Monday, September 28, 2009

Hudsons Music Video-Tune in Tuesday

The Song is: The Marching Bands of Manhatten by Death Cab For Cutie


Mrs Munster said...

Just the cutest video ever! U've got such a cute little bundle of joy. Cannot wait for mine to arrive.

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Oh :)

About the hair do, wrote it in my own comments but I'll post it here too; it's like my hairdo #1 (in my 'hair' label) - except for I had my hair parted on the side and twisted my bangs upwards. In other words, I pull the hair in the front back with combs and make a bun of the rest of it. Real simple!

Unknown said...

thanks Freelancer! You know I will have to try it@