Perhaps the hardest thing about post pregnancy, is feeling sexy, getting your "groove" back some would say, and as happy as I am with my body now, late nights with the baby, countless diaper changes and the 5 o'clock baby "grizzlys" put a real damper on the ol sex life.
Pregnancy kind of sucks for the guy, especially if you had a bad pregnancy like I did near the end, lets just say not a whole lot was going on for the last two months if you know what I mean! So I thought for sure that when I finally DID have my son, that my sex drive would return full force. But it's like riding a bike, you never really forget HOW to do it, but if you don't do it often you kind of suck at it.
Now granted as I had said previously, it's a not my self image that is putting on the damper, I still have about 13 pounds to lose, but honestly I am almost happier with my body now than I was BEFORE i was pregnant, and I am a size larger!
But sex often now seems more like a chore, and it just shouldn't be that way. Regaining your own sexuality after birth is rough! You must define in your head the difference between not only a lover, but a mother! And honestly some times it's very hard to shift gears in that respect. But the point is that you still have to WORK at it, especially if your in a marriage, because all us married ladies know, marriage is not always a cake walk, it's at times very hard work, and this is the one time specifically that you REALLY need to take care of your relationship.
Gone are my free wheeling single days, of feeling like a temptress out on the prowl, when I would get dressed up and go out with my friends, and flirt up a storm, stuff like that made me feel sexy. But With marriage it's different, your past the flirting phase, you have to find new ways to keep it fresh and to excite each other, new ways to feel sexy. Unfortunately the sexiest thing in the world to me right now is a warm fluffy bed, and me laying in it..........sleeping.
i do miss my libido, that has now seemed to fly out the window, but I am working hard on getting it back. it is just going to take a little time. Good luck to all you new mommies out there!
Pregnancy kind of sucks for the guy, especially if you had a bad pregnancy like I did near the end, lets just say not a whole lot was going on for the last two months if you know what I mean! So I thought for sure that when I finally DID have my son, that my sex drive would return full force. But it's like riding a bike, you never really forget HOW to do it, but if you don't do it often you kind of suck at it.
Now granted as I had said previously, it's a not my self image that is putting on the damper, I still have about 13 pounds to lose, but honestly I am almost happier with my body now than I was BEFORE i was pregnant, and I am a size larger!
But sex often now seems more like a chore, and it just shouldn't be that way. Regaining your own sexuality after birth is rough! You must define in your head the difference between not only a lover, but a mother! And honestly some times it's very hard to shift gears in that respect. But the point is that you still have to WORK at it, especially if your in a marriage, because all us married ladies know, marriage is not always a cake walk, it's at times very hard work, and this is the one time specifically that you REALLY need to take care of your relationship.
Gone are my free wheeling single days, of feeling like a temptress out on the prowl, when I would get dressed up and go out with my friends, and flirt up a storm, stuff like that made me feel sexy. But With marriage it's different, your past the flirting phase, you have to find new ways to keep it fresh and to excite each other, new ways to feel sexy. Unfortunately the sexiest thing in the world to me right now is a warm fluffy bed, and me laying in it..........sleeping.
i do miss my libido, that has now seemed to fly out the window, but I am working hard on getting it back. it is just going to take a little time. Good luck to all you new mommies out there!
Oh you'll get your groove back soon don't worry. It might have to wait until you get more regular sleep though. BUT it will happen! Hugs sweetie!
I so relate to this blog entry! Due to fear of something going wrong with this pregnancy...well it's been a long time for the old s-e-x. It is hard to feel all sexy with the extra weight, aches and in my case face blooming with spots! I'm sure we'll get there in the end. Feeling all glam again :)
lets hope for the best gals!
You look awesome girl!!! Love that dress. I can totally relate with the whole motherly side and the sexy side, it comes back don't worry it takes time but it all comes back. oxoxoxoxo Big Hugs! Your lil am is tooooooo cute!!!!!!
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