Kristal lives in the middle of nowhere, I mean NO WHERE!!! But it is peaceful and quiet out there. She lives in a development literally in the middle of a field lol! In a beautiful house with vaulted ceilings and beautiful floors , not to mention a bitchin’ kitchen!
Her kids are sweet as can be and pretty well behaved, and her husband waited on us hand and foot, even offering to carry in my bags! We waited for Michelle to get there, and then we all sat by the pool and talked, eventually going out to dinner and for drinks (where we broke a few necks turning heads), then drove back while listening to Fergies “London bridge” singing it at the top of our lungs.
By 12 AM we were in the pool and being waited on by Kristal’s wonderful husband Joe who served us poolside with Pina Coladas and snacks. By 1 we were in the Hot tub, were we bullshitted and remised until 2:00AM!
Then went in to the house and watched old videos and took goofy pictures, Michelle even broke out into a dance about her “lady lumps” which I skillfully caught on video, LOL she was so cute. I passed out about 3:30am and Michelle and Kristal around 4 am. Then the next morning we all had a nice breakfast and got ready to go home, I really do have some of the best friends in the world, and to think that after all these years they still want to see me, makes me feel awesome, Kristal was just as fun as a I remember her,and Michelle and I found a new found respect for each other, I especially loved talking to her in the morning while we were still in bed ( ok that sounded bad but you know what I mean), and doing our make up together in the mirror just like old times. I really do miss her, I miss BOTH of them.
I think personally we should agree to do this once a year, because 11 years is way to long to let go by between good friends. And I just had the best time with these girls.
Michelle and I at Gibbys

1 comment:
Sounds you have had really good time. I started missing my friends now, who are back in Finland. Well, it hasn't been 11 years, but still. I find that even if I don't see my friends for months and months, when I meet them it's like we were never apart. Funny...
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