I got up this morning bright and early at 7:30am, the hubby was going out to breakfast with his car club, and today for once, I had nothin pressing on my agenda, so I decided to forgo my usual breakfat of champions ( a bowl of cold cereal) for something hot and tasty and homemade. I fumbled through my Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book and found a recipe for a tasty veggie and cheese Frittatta cooked in an Iron Skillet, BRILLIANT! I have been looking for things to make in the old iron skillet my parents bought me from down south. it came out perfect! and it was most tasty!

Colorful conr ,tomatoes and zucchini (PLUS I finally got to use fresh herbs form my garden!)

Add the eggs :)

Starskys ready to eat!

So is Mr. Meowgi

Browned and ready, MMMMMMMMM!

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