Hope you all had a wonderful Easter! Here are pictures from our wonderful
Sunday with the family at our house. :)

Hudson visits the Easter Bunny at the Harley Davidson Dealership, he was SO good. And kept trying to grab the bunnys nose lol, Just look how relaxed he looks!

I was so proud of my perfectly set dinner table. I love when I can get out all my fine china.

Dolled up for spring in my brand new springy dress, with hair clip by Rascal Kosher

Hudson and my 90 year old grandmother!!! Can you belive she's 90??????

The family,Me and Hudson, Bill, my mother in law, brother in law, grandmother dad and mom, in front of our century barn. It was built in 1893 and used to hold horses and milk wagons!

Me and the hubs

Someone was pooped out by 7pm lol! Wrapped in my leopard snuggie.
You are looking so fabulous! Bless, your little man sound a sleep. Cute.
You're stunning! <3
The table sure looks perfect!
These pictures made my day! Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful family.
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