Now if you'll excuse me, while I plummet face first into my key board...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Now if you'll excuse me, while I plummet face first into my key board...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Beautiful scenery,the grass was so green, the fresh air was forcing it's way through my car vents, enticing me to roll down the windows and inhale.....
Can't you almost smell that fresh "cucumber like" smell of grass and cool forest air?
The kind of air that acts like coffee,races through your sinuses and PERKS you right up!
I even managed a smile on the way to work, HA go figure!
I also started on my garden this weekend, placed the lil man in his stroller, gave him some cheerios to munch on and some strawberries, and got to steppin! I pulled weeds, tilled the soil, and cleaned up, All we have to do next weekend is turn the soil, fertilize it and after mothers day I can start planting!
I am still not sure what to plant, when we tried this two years ago, we planted Green peppers and black peppers (didn't work out), Cucumbers ( got eaten by bull weevils) Cilantro ( not sure what happened there) Basil ( took off like MAD) and cherry tomatoes ( also did well) Onions (did absolutely nothing) and Chives ( did grow but not for long)
Last year obviously I was busy growing a baby, ( at least I got that to grow!...and grow.......and GROW! And now I am pretty sure he has gotten into a box of miracle grow, because he wont STOP growing lol
I think we will do the cherry tomatoes again, maybe some peas, and root veggies like carrots. We don't have a ton of space so I really have to watch for space hogs like Strawberries and the like.
I cannot wait to get stuff planted!!
It s so rewarding and so refreshing to grow your own food!
Anyone else growing a garden this year?
I was so proud of my perfectly set dinner table. I love when I can get out all my fine china.
Dolled up for spring in my brand new springy dress, with hair clip by Rascal Kosher
Hudson and my 90 year old grandmother!!! Can you belive she's 90??????
The family,Me and Hudson, Bill, my mother in law, brother in law, grandmother dad and mom, in front of our century barn. It was built in 1893 and used to hold horses and milk wagons!
Me and the hubs
Someone was pooped out by 7pm lol! Wrapped in my leopard snuggie.
And these from Anthropologie! MMMM yummmmmy yummmmmyyy