1. Adam Lambert
I am in no way an American Idol fan,however, this guy caught my attention last year, and I really dig him, his style, everything about him is FABULOUS. Maybe it's because I have a thing for boys in eye liner, maybe it's because I have thing for gay guys, who knows,

but he rocks my world.
2. Being tan
Every spring I go through this, it's a love hate thing really, but the older I get the more I want to do it, I am extremely fair, and can't lay in the sun ( no one should anyways) and tanning beds are no good either, with skincancer running in my family, I can't afford to take risks, so this year I am setting out to find the perfect self tanner. One that doesn't turn me orange would be great, I will probably also start it off by getting a base professional spray tan.

Then do up keep from there. If anyone knows of any good self tanners
please please let me know.
3. Decorating
This goes two ways, first I have been obessed with making one of these to hold all my jewelry, but I am having a hard time finding the radiator grate used here by DESIGN GAL, or rather I DID find something similar, but it was waaaay too expensive for a piece of laser cut metal, so I may just use chicken wire, wich won't be AS nice, but functionable non the less.

The is a new catalog I stumbled upon Ballard Designs, OMG!!! Where has THIS been? They sell upholstry and all sorts of decorating things, a bit expensive, but the catalog is great to look at for inspiration, the hubby and I are obsessed with it latley.
4. Shoes...Christian Laboutin....particularly..
although I do not own one single pair ( I WISH!!) I have loved Laboutin shoes for years, and I can usually spot them when I see them on a celeb. His website is also pretty nifty, if you want to check it out http://www.christianlouboutin.com/

5. Getting fit and losing the baby weight.
this absolutley HAS to happen, now it is no longer a want but a medical NEED, considering my tryglicerdies are so amazingly awful, and I hardly get any exercise
( what, you mean carrying an 18 pound kid around isn't a work out????)
I decided to get proactive and buy a gazelle.....mainly because I couldn't afford an elliptical trainer, and this is darn close enough. I got up this morning, at 5:30 am, grabbed my ipod, put on the Black eyed peas and Janet Jackson, with a side of Jay-z and Kanye and I was off! I did thrity minutes,...it was the most horrible 30 minutes of my life lol. ( kidding it wasnt that bad) but I am MAJORLY out of shape. My plan is 5 days a week for 30 minutes,
Plus some strength training and yoga.
My diet has also got a major overhaul, no more refined sugar, and cut down ont he saturated fat.
I got to admit it's HAAAARD because I love food, and it's not easy to eat a grilled chicken salad, when everyone else is eating big greasy hamburgers and fries, but it's comforting toknow that I am feeding my body what it needs to be healthy. And I know it WILL pay off.
I got to admit it's HAAAARD because I love food, and it's not easy to eat a grilled chicken salad, when everyone else is eating big greasy hamburgers and fries, but it's comforting toknow that I am feeding my body what it needs to be healthy. And I know it WILL pay off.
it better dammit, because I am craving some SERIOUS salt and vinegar chips right now lol.

The Gazelle now sitting in my workout room

A book I would like to chekc out if I good get through Twilight first!
6. These two wonderful gals

Kandee from http://www.kandeethemakeupartist.blogspot.com/Gala from http://www.galadarling.com/
These two girls make my day, they are so SOOOOO positive and gorgeous, I know I have mentioned Gala before, like a broken record but I can't help it, she is SO fun and inspirational, her page is colorful and a welcome escape from monotiny.
Kandee is also a newer inspiration to me, i found her by accident while looking up make-up tutorials one day, she has been through SO much in her life yet she is still shining and beautiful. I mean come on, doesn't that picture above of her make you wanna smile?
7. The Fredericks of Hollywood Corset bra.

on a final note, i was looking up pictures of the corset bra, and ran into this picture.

This is an AWESOME post. I love the bras. You are so creative. YOU are an inspiration my dear. Have a stellar day!
Ouch, that last picture! I also seriously have to loose the baby weight. You've been really good exercising that early! I'm up every morning with my lil lad by 5 but cannot really go out as need to let my hubby sleep. Slimming starts in March after I've sorted out my lil one's christening.
I've got bit love/hate situation when it comes to Adam Lambert. He is really cool looking rocker and he would be sooo gorgeous if he weren't gay. Nothing against gay but pretty rockers in make-up HAS to be straight cause... how else can I have wild day dreams about them :)
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