Medicinal Ads of Yorn (most if not ALL of these, contain highly illegal substances)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Out Of The Mouth Of Babes
Todays quote is from the Maddeningly beautiful
Rita Hayworth

We are all tied to our destiny and there is no way we can liberate ourselves.-
Monday, February 22, 2010
Things i am currently OBSESSED with
1. Adam Lambert
I am in no way an American Idol fan,however, this guy caught my attention last year, and I really dig him, his style, everything about him is FABULOUS. Maybe it's because I have a thing for boys in eye liner, maybe it's because I have thing for gay guys, who knows,

but he rocks my world.
2. Being tan
Every spring I go through this, it's a love hate thing really, but the older I get the more I want to do it, I am extremely fair, and can't lay in the sun ( no one should anyways) and tanning beds are no good either, with skincancer running in my family, I can't afford to take risks, so this year I am setting out to find the perfect self tanner. One that doesn't turn me orange would be great, I will probably also start it off by getting a base professional spray tan.

Then do up keep from there. If anyone knows of any good self tanners
please please let me know.
3. Decorating
This goes two ways, first I have been obessed with making one of these to hold all my jewelry, but I am having a hard time finding the radiator grate used here by DESIGN GAL, or rather I DID find something similar, but it was waaaay too expensive for a piece of laser cut metal, so I may just use chicken wire, wich won't be AS nice, but functionable non the less.

The is a new catalog I stumbled upon Ballard Designs, OMG!!! Where has THIS been? They sell upholstry and all sorts of decorating things, a bit expensive, but the catalog is great to look at for inspiration, the hubby and I are obsessed with it latley.
4. Shoes...Christian Laboutin....particularly..
although I do not own one single pair ( I WISH!!) I have loved Laboutin shoes for years, and I can usually spot them when I see them on a celeb. His website is also pretty nifty, if you want to check it out

5. Getting fit and losing the baby weight.
this absolutley HAS to happen, now it is no longer a want but a medical NEED, considering my tryglicerdies are so amazingly awful, and I hardly get any exercise
( what, you mean carrying an 18 pound kid around isn't a work out????)
I decided to get proactive and buy a gazelle.....mainly because I couldn't afford an elliptical trainer, and this is darn close enough. I got up this morning, at 5:30 am, grabbed my ipod, put on the Black eyed peas and Janet Jackson, with a side of Jay-z and Kanye and I was off! I did thrity minutes, was the most horrible 30 minutes of my life lol. ( kidding it wasnt that bad) but I am MAJORLY out of shape. My plan is 5 days a week for 30 minutes,
Plus some strength training and yoga.
My diet has also got a major overhaul, no more refined sugar, and cut down ont he saturated fat.
I got to admit it's HAAAARD because I love food, and it's not easy to eat a grilled chicken salad, when everyone else is eating big greasy hamburgers and fries, but it's comforting toknow that I am feeding my body what it needs to be healthy. And I know it WILL pay off.
I got to admit it's HAAAARD because I love food, and it's not easy to eat a grilled chicken salad, when everyone else is eating big greasy hamburgers and fries, but it's comforting toknow that I am feeding my body what it needs to be healthy. And I know it WILL pay off.
it better dammit, because I am craving some SERIOUS salt and vinegar chips right now lol.

The Gazelle now sitting in my workout room

A book I would like to chekc out if I good get through Twilight first!
6. These two wonderful gals

Kandee from from
These two girls make my day, they are so SOOOOO positive and gorgeous, I know I have mentioned Gala before, like a broken record but I can't help it, she is SO fun and inspirational, her page is colorful and a welcome escape from monotiny.
Kandee is also a newer inspiration to me, i found her by accident while looking up make-up tutorials one day, she has been through SO much in her life yet she is still shining and beautiful. I mean come on, doesn't that picture above of her make you wanna smile?
7. The Fredericks of Hollywood Corset bra.

on a final note, i was looking up pictures of the corset bra, and ran into this picture.

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dear Husband
If The Stars Were Mine
If the stars were mine I'd give them all to you
I'd pluck them down right from the sky and leave it only blue
I would never let the sun forget to shine upon your face so when others would have rain clouds you'd have only sunny days
If the stars were mine I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd put the stars right in a jar and give them all to you
If the birds were mine I'd tell them when to sing
I'd make them sing a sonnet when your telephone would ring
I would put them there inside the square, whenever you went out
so there'd always be sweet music whenever you would walk about
If the birds were mine I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
If the world was mine I'd paint it gold and green
I'd make the oceans orange for a brilliant color scheme I
would color all the mountains, make the sky forever blue
So the world would be a painting and I'd live inside with you
If the world was mine I'd tell you what I'd do
I'd wrap the world in ribbons and then give it all to you
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I'd put those stars right in a jar...and.......... give them you.......
XOXOXOXO I love you SO much
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Out Of The Mouth Of Babes
Todays quote comes from the wonderful Oprah Winfrey.
( yes I admit I love my Oprah!),
(Also this quote I though really embodied what I am going through right now)

"Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. -Oprah Winfrey"
Test results and needless worry
Well this week doesn't appear to be starting off any better than last. But I am finally learning why.
I got my test results yesterday, my thyroid function is good, glucose is good, iron levels are good, my total cholesterol is ok and I tested negative for HS CRP (heart disease protein) which is all good.
But my triglycerides which is part of cholesterol is SKY HIGH, it should be anywhere from 30-150 mine?............350!!!!!! I about passed out when I heard the nurse say that. I asked her what the hell I could be eating to make it so high, she said "do you eat alot of carbs?" no. "do you eat alot of fat?" not really. "do you eat alot of sugar?" I eat a TON of sugar, so I got online last night and looked up all the foods that can make triglycerides go up, and I am pretty much eating all the really bad ones without even knowing it, Palm oil, kernel oil, coconut oils, fructose, sucrose, margarine, vegetable oils. My fake coffe creamer I read is a HUGE factor, I looked at the back of the carton this morning , it's about 80 percent of these oils!!!!! Ewww! Same with my beloved Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa!!
The doctor wants me to exercise more, and take fish oil to bring down my triglycerides, as well as sprinkle flaxseed on my oatmeal (oh...yummy) but I am going to do it, I NEED to.
As far as the exercise portion is concerned, I left work early last week and purchased an elliptical trainer, (whether I could afford it or not, I financed it.) Priorities are priorities, and working out will help lower my levels and control my stress.
My vitamin D levels are also "pretty low" as the nurse puts it, which brings me to another issue, my depression, if my D levels are low, that could also be why my depression has gotten considerably worse over that past few weeks. I am supposed to hear back from my OB today on increasing my Zoloft dose, and I have to take 1000 IU's of D a day, plus calcium. PHEW!
The other thing that was off was my Lymphocytes ( white blood cells) they were up. The nurse said it most likely means that I have a virus, like a cold, but I don't FEEL sick ( aside from some sinus pain) she said that she will retest me again in 4 weeks to see if that level has gone down.
Here is where I freak out..... so for some reason I immediately think OMG my lymphocytes are up , lymphocytes =Lymphoma????!! yes....I am THAT ridiculous, no I couldn't just think maybe I was carrying H1n1 or even Mono, no i went straight to Lymphoma???!
I know that I am being very ridiculous here lol. But that worries me more than my triglycerides do! Knowing damn well if my level were THAT bad that the doctor would have probably wanted to do more tests immediately, but who knows. I need to chill. For real.
So yeah that about it, he wants me on a low fat very low sugar diet (OH FUN!!!) wants me to take fish oil twice a day, vitamin d and calcium supplements.
Sigh it's all so very overbearing. but at the same time, i went in and had this test on my own reconnaissance, to make SURE that my health was good after the birth of Hudson. The only ting I cant figure is having a baby must have depleted some of my levels, and that this is a good thing, this is my body's response that I need to change some ways. At 31 I'm not old, but I am no spring chicken either. I HAVE to take better care of my self, it's essential.
I just wish I would stop worrying.
I got my test results yesterday, my thyroid function is good, glucose is good, iron levels are good, my total cholesterol is ok and I tested negative for HS CRP (heart disease protein) which is all good.
But my triglycerides which is part of cholesterol is SKY HIGH, it should be anywhere from 30-150 mine?............350!!!!!! I about passed out when I heard the nurse say that. I asked her what the hell I could be eating to make it so high, she said "do you eat alot of carbs?" no. "do you eat alot of fat?" not really. "do you eat alot of sugar?" I eat a TON of sugar, so I got online last night and looked up all the foods that can make triglycerides go up, and I am pretty much eating all the really bad ones without even knowing it, Palm oil, kernel oil, coconut oils, fructose, sucrose, margarine, vegetable oils. My fake coffe creamer I read is a HUGE factor, I looked at the back of the carton this morning , it's about 80 percent of these oils!!!!! Ewww! Same with my beloved Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa!!
The doctor wants me to exercise more, and take fish oil to bring down my triglycerides, as well as sprinkle flaxseed on my oatmeal (oh...yummy) but I am going to do it, I NEED to.
As far as the exercise portion is concerned, I left work early last week and purchased an elliptical trainer, (whether I could afford it or not, I financed it.) Priorities are priorities, and working out will help lower my levels and control my stress.
My vitamin D levels are also "pretty low" as the nurse puts it, which brings me to another issue, my depression, if my D levels are low, that could also be why my depression has gotten considerably worse over that past few weeks. I am supposed to hear back from my OB today on increasing my Zoloft dose, and I have to take 1000 IU's of D a day, plus calcium. PHEW!
The other thing that was off was my Lymphocytes ( white blood cells) they were up. The nurse said it most likely means that I have a virus, like a cold, but I don't FEEL sick ( aside from some sinus pain) she said that she will retest me again in 4 weeks to see if that level has gone down.
Here is where I freak out..... so for some reason I immediately think OMG my lymphocytes are up , lymphocytes =Lymphoma????!! yes....I am THAT ridiculous, no I couldn't just think maybe I was carrying H1n1 or even Mono, no i went straight to Lymphoma???!
I know that I am being very ridiculous here lol. But that worries me more than my triglycerides do! Knowing damn well if my level were THAT bad that the doctor would have probably wanted to do more tests immediately, but who knows. I need to chill. For real.
So yeah that about it, he wants me on a low fat very low sugar diet (OH FUN!!!) wants me to take fish oil twice a day, vitamin d and calcium supplements.
Sigh it's all so very overbearing. but at the same time, i went in and had this test on my own reconnaissance, to make SURE that my health was good after the birth of Hudson. The only ting I cant figure is having a baby must have depleted some of my levels, and that this is a good thing, this is my body's response that I need to change some ways. At 31 I'm not old, but I am no spring chicken either. I HAVE to take better care of my self, it's essential.
I just wish I would stop worrying.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ok someone just told me that I look like Rachel Harris with my new color and my glasses.

LOL yeah I can actually see that lol.

A change.....

What do you think? I needed a change, my hair has been light blonde for AGES, and while my natural color is light ash blonde, I thought this was a nice dark blonde. Makes my eyes pop for sure! And the hubby just LOVES it! I do too, I may just keep it for awhile.
It was a wonderful weekend,babyfest galore! I just enjoyed immersing myself in chubby baby deliciousness. MMMMMM baby.

Sat, we went to my mom and dads with the baby, and Sunday I took him to the coffee shop to meet Miss. Julia for coffee :)

if you got a pair of boobs, this kid will sleep on you for HOURS!!
I also FINALLY got around to taking a picture of the Red Shoes i got on Ebay for like freaking 2.99!!

They look even better in person!!

They are actually pretty darn comfy, I cannot WAIT to wear them this spring!
I got alot going on this week, I have also been commisioned to make 5 charms bracelets for someone, so I am excitied to make a prophet off of that! Yay craft time!
Hope you all have a lovely week!
What do you think? I needed a change, my hair has been light blonde for AGES, and while my natural color is light ash blonde, I thought this was a nice dark blonde. Makes my eyes pop for sure! And the hubby just LOVES it! I do too, I may just keep it for awhile.
It was a wonderful weekend,babyfest galore! I just enjoyed immersing myself in chubby baby deliciousness. MMMMMM baby.
Sat, we went to my mom and dads with the baby, and Sunday I took him to the coffee shop to meet Miss. Julia for coffee :)
if you got a pair of boobs, this kid will sleep on you for HOURS!!
I also FINALLY got around to taking a picture of the Red Shoes i got on Ebay for like freaking 2.99!!
They look even better in person!!
They are actually pretty darn comfy, I cannot WAIT to wear them this spring!
I got alot going on this week, I have also been commisioned to make 5 charms bracelets for someone, so I am excitied to make a prophet off of that! Yay craft time!
Hope you all have a lovely week!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Alexander McQueen dead at 40

(From the McQueen website)
On behalf of Lee McQueen's family, Alexander McQueen today announces the tragic news that Lee McQueen, the founder and designer of the Alexander McQueen brand has been found dead at his home. At this stage it is inappropriate to comment on this tragic news beyond saying that we are devastated and are sharing a sense of shock and grief with Lee's family.Lee's family has asked for privacy in order to come to terms with this terrible news
and we hope the media will respect this.
A very sad day for me yesterday, he was one of my favortie designers.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Can we talk?
I am having a rough time as of late, my depression has snuck up on me yet again, it started obviously when I was 5 months pregnant, the doctor put me on 50 mg of Zoloft, to hopefully counteract the post partum depression that I would surely go through given my past history of depression. I started to feel ok, despite some natural mood swings after birth,, but then I was ok. Up until right now that is. The past three weeks it has gotten progressively worse, the tightness in my chest, the feeling that I cant breathe, the anxiety, the feeling over being way overwhelmed, guilt, sadness, you name it, I am a regular poopy party over here.
I have been trying to just sort of ignore it, hoping that maybe it was because I still don't get enough sleep, or the weather. But after I was sitting on the couch last night, holding Hudson while he slept, and crying my eyes out, telling him how I am so sorry I have to work full time, and that I hope he knows who I am , and that out of all the people he is handed off to in a day, that I am still his only mommy. Pretty much convinced that will forget that I am his mom.
Don't get me wrong, life has been no bowl of cherries to say the least. I barley make anything at all, and this past year I made even less thanks to an unpaid part of my maternity leave. My husbands business isn't doing real well, I have loads of debt, because I have to use credit cards to get us through to pay for Hudson's expensive formula, or diapers, because my check and his only stretches so far.
I have applied for a few new positions in my company, and am hoping that I get one of them , but who knows. i am taking on twice the work as I did before and essentially am getting paid less thanks to my skyrocketing health insurance this year (went up and extra 100 a month) and my stupid Federal taxes that jumped 60 dollars and month. pretty much leaves me two hundred dollars short each month.
It;s cold out, windy , grey and snowy. No fun there.
I feel horrible and guilty that I cant be at home with my baby more,then when I am home , nothing gets done because I want to spend ever waking moment with him.
I haven't done many crafts lately, because by the time I put him to bed, I am so exhausted, I usually fall asleep in the bathtub while I am trying to relax.
I need to go to the doctor on sat, and have blood drawn for a Cholesterol and Lipid panel check, the Doctor is also concerned that my father had a heart attack at age 36. And with me being 31 now, he wants to test me for HS CRP a heart disease protein,so you KNOW I am freaking out about those results.
He said I need to lose 20 pounds because my blood pressure is up,so that I need to do more cardio. but I have NO IDEA how the hell I am going to fit THAT in...............sigh
I need an outlet. Maybe I do need cardio, but with the weather so shitty around here, I have no were to go! And I don't have time for a gym, I need an elliptical or treadmill in my house. But then when would I use it.
Having absolutely NO MONEY is certainly not helping, that means no money for crafts, or to get my hair trimmed (which btw it is in DESPERATE NEED) or to even get a damn coffee on Friday mornings from McDonald's, or the vitamins I need to take, NOTHING.
I know, ....I need to just breathe and try to relax, worrying will get me no where.
It just seems that I cannot keep up with my life,there is too much going on and I cant do it all. And that in and of its self hurts.
Hopefully the doctor calls me back this afternoon, and increases my meds. because I am reaching a breaking point.
Much Love
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Out Of The Mouth Of Babes
This Weeks Quote is from the uniquely wonderful
Anais Nin

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
""People living deeply have no fear of death. "
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Ad Campaign for Burberry
I looooove me some Burberry, and Emma Watson looks smashing in these ads! I NEED that purple trench! Watch me try to find it on Ebay, WATCH ME!!!

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