me all gussied up for CHICAGO!
I had a wonderful weekend, Saturday the hubs and I and some dear friends went and saw CHICAGO. I have always LOVED the movie but the actual Bob Fosse play??? OMG!!!!! FANTAAASTIC!!! if you have the chance to see it I highly recommend you do! Bill loved all the ladies dancing around in cabaret outfits (of course lol) I loves the class and music! Afterwards, we stopped and at downtown at BRICCO, I had a tasty tomato basil pizza mmmm. it was nice to dress up and get out for a bit! Sorry I dont have a whole outfit picture, I was in a hurry, and this was the only pic I could get lol.
Sunday was foggy as hell, but the little man and I trekked out to my grand mothers house for my mothers birthday, All in all a nice weekend!
Alsooooooo, I just HAPPENED upon these beauties on Ebay, and snagged then for 1.99!!!!! These will be AWESOME for my summer wardrobe! SWOON!

So yeah, good weekend, now time to dig into work, :( boo, but I do have a few crafts to work on this week (YAY!!) so it's not ALL bad, have a great one!
Your Are Fabulous!!!
xoxoxox Heather
It's not fair!
You're stunning!
Thanks hunny!
Looking stunning!
you look super cute!!!
Hey, cute shoes at a stunning price. Nice work! I adore your smile, it's a very cute photo. :)
Totally jealous! Those shoes are aaaaaamazing.
Joanne and teagan, Thanks! I cannot wait to get them!
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