Thursday, January 28, 2010
Decorating project
I want to punch up the color in the living room, we have purple overstuffed couches, that arent as purple as they once were but, once I clean them they should look pretty decent,
I want to go to Old Tim Pottery this weekend and Jo Ann Fabrics, to grab some damask to make pillows with. I have the green curtains and the gold bowl on the table, I just want to get some decorative balls to put inside, I can probably find some at the store, and the moss covered ones would be easy to make.
I wish I could switch out the ugly rug I have, it's pretty but worn and dirty, but we just don't have the cash for that now, so I guess I will just try to clean it real good and bring it back to life.
Below is my work up of how I really want my living room to look consider it an enhanced version of what I have.
I WISH that was my couch, its the same color though, so for comparision purposes, it will do. I will post a pic when I am finished decorating, and show you how it compares to my "vision".
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
OMG! I LOVE her!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
New weekly feature!-Out of the mouth of babes
A weekly quote on beauty, life and style, from a glamorous lady.

"It's not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on."- Marilyn Monroe
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hudson handled his shots beautifully, he barley cried at ALL, Saturday he did spike a fever and was feeling basically poopy all day , my poor bubba, but Sunday he was all smiles for miles, and laughing and playing. The doctor also said that I can take him off of the super expensive formula we have had him on since birth,and switch him to soy, can I get a (HELL YEAH!!!) it is HALF the price of his other formula. I just hope to god he tolerates it well,we shall see.
I tackled my “tenacious list” and got quite a few things done, just look below!
Hudson on Sunday feeling MUCH better!
Red Feather Boa Wreath I made for my front door
Valentines wreath for the back door that I made.
Friday, January 22, 2010
A tenacious list
Hudson has his 6 months shots today (Boo) so that pretty much means I will be sequestered in the house all weekend with a feverish little one. Which is fine, because I could not tell you how long it has been since I have had a weekend were I WASN'T busy.
I plan on finishing my red feather boa valentines wreath, and hopefully making more felt roses for my necklaces I am making, also want to start working on my little birds nest pins for the spring, and get up some more pictures on my new other blog "A photographic Epiphany".
Sunday I am meeting up with Miss Julia for a delicious coffee treat mmm!! Caffeine and girl talk!!! Phew! Do i really plan on starting all of this?????........well....probably not. but at least I can't say that I am bored! have a great weekend!
xxxxoxoxoxo Heather
BTW I am now on twitter at so if you a twitter-er, look me up!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Return of Love


Lace Applique top, $175
Daytrip Floral Lace Print Top, $26
Tulle Tiered Mini Skirt - Teen Clothing by Wet Seal, $20
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Because we are women....and we aparently stink..
Ok to celebrate the return of my (female happy time) yeah now YOU have too much info lol. I found these old feminine hygiene ads from the 40's MOST amusing lol.

Probably the most tame of the ads

Ok do you mean to tell me this guy is actually LEAVING this women due to her "feminine hygiene"? Look at the look of disgust on his face lol!!
First of all, LYSOL???? My GOD!!! And second, this guy actually LOCKED himself in the bedroom ( or locked her in the bedroom) to get away from her? What are we big stinky, ravenous monsters? OBVIOUSLY men wrote these lol.

Ok, can you just see this guy, at the bar with his friend "hey Bob, why so glum?"
"Eh the wife has crotch rot AGAIN!!!!!"
Ok I'm off to go douse myself in bleach and Lysol......
Monday, January 18, 2010
me all gussied up for CHICAGO!
I had a wonderful weekend, Saturday the hubs and I and some dear friends went and saw CHICAGO. I have always LOVED the movie but the actual Bob Fosse play??? OMG!!!!! FANTAAASTIC!!! if you have the chance to see it I highly recommend you do! Bill loved all the ladies dancing around in cabaret outfits (of course lol) I loves the class and music! Afterwards, we stopped and at downtown at BRICCO, I had a tasty tomato basil pizza mmmm. it was nice to dress up and get out for a bit! Sorry I dont have a whole outfit picture, I was in a hurry, and this was the only pic I could get lol.

So yeah, good weekend, now time to dig into work, :( boo, but I do have a few crafts to work on this week (YAY!!) so it's not ALL bad, have a great one!
Your Are Fabulous!!!
xoxoxox Heather
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Look what I made!

Sorry the pic is so poopy, I only had my camera on me, i am also going to tie a huge satin ribbon to it, to use as a necktie, for a more girly feel. I cannot wait to wear it!
Fat Bottomed Girls!!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A study in careernomics

Monday, January 11, 2010
new year, new aspirations
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Style Crush- Zooey Deschanel

Adventures in Make-up- Cristina Aguilera on Marie Claire

I love her make-up here, it's so soft and beautiful, and the pink on her lips are perfect.
Nuetrogena Foundation
Make-up forever concealer (which by the way is THE BEST IN THE WORLD)
Benefit Benetint Blush
Bonne Bell Bronzer on cheeks and bridge of nose
On Eyes Covergirl Eyeshadow in Snow (overall lid)
In crease: A Brown shadow that was part of a quad from Hard Candy
2nd in crease: Rimmel Eye Quad in Greys dark matt grey
Outer part of eye: The black from the Rimmel Eye quad
Inner part of lower lid: The silver from the Rimmel Eye Quad
Highlight of Brow; Victorias Secret Very Sexy Eyeshadow in Snow Fairy
Covergirl eyeliner in black, smudged with the smudge applicator
Mascara 3 coats of Almay Triple mascara in very black.
Lips: Sephora Gloss in Bronzed beauty.
I love to emulate make-up in magazines, it's fun to be someone else for a day! So you will probably see more!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A wonderful surprise!
it's and early 1900's dresser with a swivel mirror marble top and the two drawers on top are perfect for my garter and stocking collection, and some necklaces, they both lock with a skeleton key! SWWWWOOOON. Bill is taking the other dresser that I had, his great grandmothers early 1800's one, this one had alot more room and it's WAAAY cooler, I can't wait to decorate it. Hopefully this weekend, with all my retro stuff.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Back in the Swing of Things
Christmas was great,I spent alot of time with the fam, here are some pics for your enjoyment:
My Sister Dina, my niece Kiera and My father and me
Dad and Hudson
baby with a bow on top! Opening his gifts!
my sister and Niece at dinner at my moms
Passed out after a looong weekend
Our good friends Julia and Randy were nice enough to invite us over for New Years Eve dinner, Julia makes KILLER food and we had a feast of roasted pork, roasted squash, green beans, tasty Garlic Onion Rice, bread and cheesecake for dessert. She even had somewhere for the lil man to snooze while we had some fun, I drank enough to get a headache the next day, but nothing too serious, it was SERIOUSLY worth it. I just looove disaronno. Mmmmmmm
I just love her she is the bestest
Julia and Randys dog Brutus roasting by the fire
The rest of the vacation was spent realizing just how tiring it is to be a stay at home mom! That kid has MAJOR energy. But I definitely enjoyed myself.
My little guy is just growing up so unbelievably fast, he is now sitting up without support, reaches out and grabs things , eats solids three times a day, and seems to be sleeping better.(ever since we got him on a better feeding and nap schedule, he seems to be sleeping WAAY better at night.
Babys new wheels! Vroom Vroom!!
He also appears to be getting into the stranger anxiety stage, he screamed at my father in law last week and started crying (its ok he makes me cry too lol, the father in law not the baby lol) and he cried when my grandmother held him, but along with the screams, come wonderful fits of laughter, the kid laughs at ANYTHING, I was sniffing his diaper the other day, well trying to check to see if he pooped, and he busted up laughing, probably because there I am with my nose near his little bottom and he let go the hugest fart known to baby kind. Lol.(takes after his daddy………ok and his mommy too)
I am hoping this New Year will be better than last, although the highlight of last year was of course the birth of my son. (go me!) but financially the rest of the year sucked BAD. So here is to the New Year, a more fiscally stable pocket book, great health and a flat belly lol.