They say that you can never go back to your childhood home once you have left, especially if you left that home 20 years ago.
My childhood home today
Me sitting on dads head in the old house
Jeanette, me and Alicia, mugging for the camera
Mom used to like to dress me up like a basbushka babinka. This was taken in the old house
Me and Alicia in the backyard being silly
The back garden then (1984)
And now 2009
The back of the house then
The back of the house now

The old kitchen
The dining room wall with steps. We used othave ahuge fish tank were my mom is standing
The Dining room
The Living Room
The old dirt hill in the basement that we used to play barbies on!
The old oak tree I used to climb.
Our nieghbors across the street. Both long gone.
Our view down the street, I will always remember it!
Jeanette and Ion the stairs of the old house just yesterday!

Some people only grew up in one house, I grew up in two, my teenage years were spent in our house on West 22nd street, but from age 2 until 10 , a good part of my childhood years, were spent in a little duplex on 6th street. I lived on one side, and my Friend Jeanette lived on the other, we were both two years old. Then when she turned 4 they moved away, but I stayed until age ten. The fabulous part is, Jeanette and I are still great pals, and our families are also still friends, she is the longest Friend I have had! She was even maid of honor in my wedding!
I miss the old house, but over the years as I went by it, it started to look more and more haggard, it depressed me that it didn't look the same as it used to. That's why I was so excited a few months ago when Jeanette are her Husband (both landlords) saw that the place was for sale and snatch it up for rental property! They are working on fixing it back up to it's original form. Recently she asked if I would like to come and walk through it once more before their renters moved in. OF COURSE!!! I was thrilled! my parents came with me, and they always say that it never looks the same when you go back, but I swear we all thought after 20 years the place had not changed one bit, it was dirty however, filthy in fact, bordering on gross, and the walls were all yellow with smoke, but it still felt like OUR house, like we never left. it wasn't any smaller or bigger than we remembered it, it was just the way we left it. ( well all except for the dirt of course.) I must have spent a good 45 minutes in their pointing out where all the furniture was and memories in certain places of the house, it was truly a treat for me. Below are some pictures.

AWESOME post Heather. I love this. How cool you could do this!
That's a nice house!
I wish our house was big like that.
You got the cutest little outfits!
Do you still have them?
no unfortunatley I don't have them any longer, but I wish I did lol I would love to still have them after all these years lol
i feel truly lucky that i got the chance to do this.
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