So thanks to
Shans post, I had an itch to go through my old highschool memory box, and here is what I found.
The Romance: 1994-1997 Admiral King Highschool

From left:1. Hall pass that my highschool boyfriend left me on my locker, with a note on the back. 2.Hand drawn card from the same person 3. An empty bag that he blew his smoke into ( now hows THAT for infatuated!) 4. The ripped pocket off of his jeans that his friend Dave ripped off of him while he was running up the stairs. 5 A bracelet that has my name on it ( come to find out he got this bracelt for ANOTHER Heather a long time ago!!) It wasn't meant for me LOL. 6. If I even have to tell you what that is, then god help you, yes it is a wrapper, from a first "experience" How many poeple do you know that still have THAT? 7. Two Movie tickets from the early 90's for Cool Runnings and Nightmare Before Christmas 8. Old gift box that the bracelet came in. 9. A corsage from home coming. 10. Lyrics to the Tori Amos song Winter ( Tori was my religion back in highschool) hell she still is.
Drama Queen:
I was in a number of musicals and plays in highschool, I still miss the thrill of getting up on stage and being someone else, exploring the character, feeling the music, and showing off :)

1. Barnum: I played a clown 2. Once Upon a Matress: I played a lady in waiting 3. Whodunit? I played the coy shy mystery gal. and 4. Till Death do us Part: A dinner theater where I played Brandon Clays Psychotic Bride lol, I rememebr being SO thrilled because I got to touch Brandons leg lolololol!!!!!
And BTW no belly pics, I decided to wait until 20 weeks, and by then I will know what I am having :)
love it! hahahah! now i feel better about saving EVERYTHING! seriously, i have movie tickets too from way back when!
p.s. i wish i would have got more involved in theater in high school! i loved to sing and act and was in theater my sophomore year but i just got too busy i guess. today as i was making the 3 hour drive home from a business trip, i was belting out the tunes to Wicked, imagining myself as Elphaba! haha!
thanks for posting your memories!
hey thanks for posting yours! it was a great idea!
Oh my, you're worse than my man! :))
He saves every program and flyer for every rockabilly event he's been to!
I guess you had a great time in high school otherwise you wouldn't have saved all that stuff, am I right? :)
Rascal: That is correct!
I haven't got any kind of memory boxes. Haven't really saved much from years gone by. Then again, I've got zillion of photo albums with lots of well documented moments. Your memory box is a true treasure! (even if it has got some...interesting items in it *wink*)
I love it! I have "the box" in the closet that I will go through every couple of years with a bottle or red wine by my side. Now, you make me want to dig it out. I love what you have kept my friend. P.S. I DEMAND more preggo pics!
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