Ok first off, I have had a wonderful weekend I made it a priority to get out he house an d do stuff, and WHOA what a difference in my mood! yesterday we went to the Harley Davidson dealership with our friend Randy ,to look at sale merchandise and eat at the Harley Diner, then Bill and I came home and went back out to the mall to look for old versions of Atari games for our
Playstation, grabbed
some Chinese food around 9pm and stayed up until 12 eating and playing games, it was awesome.
This morning i had such an
urge for some reason to go bowling, so figuring I would probably be beat by the second game, I agreed to go
with the hubby, well we
ended up
running into
my manager down there (she is so fun) and I bowled not one but THREE games!! i
can't even bowl that many games when I'm NOT pregnant!! I had
UN expendable energy it was nuts! and what ever
weirder, I was throwing strikes left and right! my first game was 63, second, 101 , and third 136!!! I swear the baby evened out my balance or something because that has NEVER
happened, we had so much fun, I want to go next weekend!
We went in Friday for my heartbeat sonogram, so I'm laying on the table, goo all over my tummy and she's pushing and pushing away, and
all we could hear was my heartbeat, so I freaked out a bit, but she grabbed the sonogram and did a crappy one just so we could see the heart beat at least, and
there is was, a string little heart beat pumping away, the picture was really bad, because the sonogram that she used was not meant for external
sonography, but for internal, but it did let us see wheat we needed to, she pointed out a little hand that was in the air,
like it was waiving, and you could see the little head. it was so cute, no bigger than an
avocado lol~
She asked me how I have been feeling and I stuck my
tongue out and went (
blahhhhhh) she goes "oh
feeling tired?" I said no, just crying
alot and having
wild mood swings,
soI mentioned to her that two weeks ago i ended up on my bathroom floor just
sobbing one night while trying to run my bath water, and it was for no particular reason. She looked sort of concerned
and looked at my history and and said that the
crazy mood swings should actually be coming from the this week on, not really before, unless I
Had a hormone surge,
which is very possible, i also
reminded her of my
history with depression, she warned that it could be that coming back (i have had it pretty much kicked for 4 years but I
haven't been feeling right at all
lately.) she also said that because of that, I am at a very
high risk for post
partum depression,
which I already kind of figured that I was. So she wants
to put me on Zoloft in my 34
Th week, to prevent it.
Which I am fine with, BUT
here's the catch....
because the baby would be exposed to it, i would HAVE to breast feed for at least a month in order to wean the baby off of it. basically mixing breast milk and formula
together and tapering it off to all formula.
At first this petrified me, (my baby on Zoloft?? Holy shit???)) but she assured me it's an ultra low does, just enough to fight the p hormone let down after pregnancy,
and that it really
doesn't do harm to the baby. Now if you will remember, last time she said I may not be able to breast feed because I need to be on
meds for my Acid Reflux, she said she looked
further into it, and that it would be fine considering I
wil not be breast feeding long, besides I take it now, while pregnant ,so its not like the baby
isn't already exposed to it, and it's one of the safest pump inhibitors
to use while pregnant. So while I don't want to breast feed, I know the baby does deserve happy well adjusted mother, and
I know that post
partum depression is noting to fuck around with , my OWN depression has crept up on me a few times and gotten really bad before I realized what hit me, Post
Partum Depression can be 10 times worse.
Our BIG sonogram is on March 6
Th, and THEN we will finally know what we are having!!! I am so excited, and for the record the heart beat was estimated
in the 150's
which by old wives tale standards,means.......high possibility of a girl!! But we will see!