This blond bombshell serves up the fashion tasties routinely,she is multi talented and can pull an outfit together in a jiffy.
(Sigh) she makes me want to move to Finland. Go tot this site for your daily dose of Kitsch and class!!

I found this by accident, this woman is awesome, a “fallen “ Mormon with some of the best dry humor around,
Check out her fun musings about motherhood, and of course her” daily Chuck” pictures of her cute dog chuck balancing things on his head, “Daily Style” and “daily photo”.

Girls Gone Child
Rebbecca Woolf is a frickin goddess, even if you don’t have children, you are sure to love this cool rocking moms site, from fun stories about modern parenthood, to everything you weren’t sure you wanted to know about pregnancy, this girl lays it down.

Gala Darling .com
Have I mentioned this gal before? I just love her!! She is from New Zealand but frequents the states, with her bright pink hair and her sparkling personality, this girls blogs on style and general life issues , brightens up my day! Be sure to check out her “style tips” posts, where she gives fun and wacky suggestions to make your life more fun.

Clever Blog Name Here:
Ok I am not only biased because this is my beautiful cousin Ashley, but this girl is also waaaay talented. Check out her awesome photography…girls got mad skills yo……..mad. And also check out her other site; Exposaroonie.com for fun photo challenges!!
Ok now go….. read peoples!!!!!!!
Now Excuse me while I bury my face into a tasty Arbys Beef and Cheddar Sandwich..........ahhhhh PMS........
yayayay! thanks for the shout out sweets. xo
and I LOVE me some Dooce, she's hilarious. and chuck is the best!
Yay! Thanks for the suggestions! Will def check them out. I adore your taste. Gawd, I heart Arby's too =). I hope you are having a good week.
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