So long 2008 surely HASN'T been great.....but I did learn alot about my self, and really came into my own. Here are a list of my accomplishments for 2008 ( in no particular order)
1.I let go of the past, and in doing so, freed up my heart. I realized where mulling about what didn't happen hampered what could happen.
2. Got rid of toxic people, be it friends or ungrateful family, I finally cut apron strings with those I was tired of either fighting with or over.
3. I planted a garden and it LIVED!!!! it was my first attempt at creating "life" which leads me the to number 4.....
4. I made a baby! (well it's still baking but I did it!)
5. I emotionally supported my husband after his accident and my mother during her breast cancer treatment, and from that, learned just how much of a powerful force I could be in someones life.
6. I began to worry (just a weee little tad) less about my health, it was to the point of craziness and really getting out of hand. However I do still worry about the ones I love.
7. I kicked my sugar cravings......blame pregnancy...but I was headed down a diabetic road I was so bad ( see theres that health worry popping up again lol)
8. I made myself known at work. I made sure this year to put myself on the map and really get noticed, made friendships and deepened relationships with top people in my company, and even if it never gets me that window office, at least they know my name and know I went down fighting!
9. I got in touch with old friends, and some family I have hardly spoke to before <" Ashley: I am so glad that we connected finally, you are a swell gal and it saddens me that I never knew how cool you really were :) luv you cuz!" as for everyone else, Michelle, Kristal, Tori,Sarah, Mary and anyone whom I have forgotten, it is great to have you all within talking distance again!
10. I turned thirty.....and in the process figured out what really mattered to me all these years.
I don't make resolutions for the new year,they tend not to stick, instead I set private goals. This next year should prove even more changes, and hopefully I will grow even more.
Now if you will excuse me I am going to go dive face first into a rootbeer float that I have been wanting since Sunday lol.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! May everyone have a great 09!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Week 10...WHOA whos boobs are these??
So here we are at week ten, only three more weeks until I am out of the first trimester.
The nausea has started to fade away (thank god) although it rears its ugly head sometimes after dinner, but usually only lasts like 10 minutes. My tummy hasn’t gotten any bigger, but I am already in maternity pants because my hips thickened and I can’t button my pants. In other words, my ass got bigger lol.
I realized the other day that I have the breasts of Pamela Anderson after her first implants……Ok there not THAT big, but these are surely not my boobs! However, I will take them while they are on loan to me J
The one thing I learned that you DO NOT talk to people about is breast feeding. I honestly wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, and so I asked a few people what they did, that wasn’t a good idea; I got some really strong criticism. Which sort of ticked me off; because I’m like, hey how can YOU criticize me for what I choose for my child?
What really gets me are people whose opinion I DON’T ask for. The ones (some whom I don’t even know well enough) saying, “Well you ARE going to breast feed right?”
When this comment was first made to me I actually kind of retreated a bit and would say,”ummm uhhh well I guess I mean umm” but now when I hear it I just strike back with “actually I don’t plan on it” or “I still have to discuss what options are best for me with my doctor” Screw it, it’s not their business.
This week should be a fun time, new years eve we are going over to my friend Julia’s to ring in the new year, I cannot wait to have some of her traditional Seipie that she makes for New Years…..mmmmmmmm. It’s like a seven layer pot pie. Tas-ty!
(ok is It just me or did that sound really dirty?)
Then New Years Day my mom and dad are coming to my house for the traditional pork and sauerkraut mmmmmmmmM!!! The rest of the week will probably be spent continuing to strip the paper in the nursery.
Hope you all had a great Christmas!! And a wonderful new year! Mrs. Munster , I want to see some new year’s picks of you having fun with your new camera!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Secret Revealed!!
( this post was originally drafted back in November I am posting it now to annouces the enws :) I am currently 10 weeks pregnant, we kept it a secret from our parents up until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The next few post were formed within the weeks since we have found out. I stopped posting at the 7th weeks because I became so tired I just had no desire to do anything, but from weeks 8-10 I have started to feel better, Below are the two videos from when we told our mothers, I put a little plastic baby on a cuhsion with a blanket over it in a little box and wrapped it up for each mother. The first one is Bills mother the second one is my mother. Someone please let me know if you are unable to view the videos)
Pregnancy Week 6
Sooooo…remember that Arby’s Beef and Cheddar I wanted last night?
Oh yeah….it’s like that……for the past few weeks I have had that……”I am nauseous…….not wait no I’m not…no wait… I am…yup I am.”…..OOOHHHHHHH Chips!!!!!!” …5 minutes later…..ugh…..chips……..”
Finally last night after coming home and murdering an Arby’s Beef and cheddar combo, I realized, yeah I better take a test. So…I took three……..Hey gotta make damn sure right?
I kind of just stared at it, with my jaw open, we weren’t planning on it RIGHT NOW, more like next August, but I think this a serious blessing, and this is happening for a reason.
I finally got up enough of my motor skills to go down stairs and show the hubby, I showed him and he cried, then I cried and then I laughed, and cried again, then I hyperventilated, and cried again…….then I ate some more French fries.
I know it sounds funny but I actually feel swollen, like my belly is swollen. To quote Heather on “DOOCE” “I can smell your pores” and am sick to my stomach on and off. But am trying to handle it the best I can, due to an ongoing weak stomach, I have felt queasy most of my life, so hopefully that will give me the energy to push through this.
Trying to sleep last night was damn near impossible, first I was freezing then I was lying in a pool of my own sweat, then I had to pee. Then when I finally did fall asleep I had to get up for work lol……welcome to mother hood right?
I haven’t told my parents as of yet, or Bills family, we are keeping it quiet until Christmas Eve. At least we are going to try to keep it that way, which means I have to keep my mouth shut when talking to my mother and seeing her face to face for the next three and a half weeks!!! Holy crap!
See, what we want to do, is this. I am going to go to the craft store, and get two little eenie weenie plastic babies, then I am going to wrap them up in little tiny blankets and put them into a small jewelry box. I will wrap one for my mom and dad and one for Bills mom and dad. And at Christmas when everyone is over, they will open them as gifts!! I hate keeping the secret from my mom for so long, but I really want to wait until I see the doctor and see a beating heart, and know that everything is ok. I go between fits of giggles and crying. It’s crazy lol.
As far cravings are concerned, besides said Roast beef and cheddar sandwich. I have wanted pickles and Green Olives, what I haven’t been able to stomach? Anything with leaves on it, can’t do salad at all L and the though of turkey………….ewwwww………….
So that is were I am at right now, I want to record everything as this is my first pregnancy, and I was going to start separate blog, but I thought, why bother? My blog name means Joy of Life. And this ….well…..this is just the greatest joy that I could hope for.:)
7 Weeks Still nauseous
So now I am wondering if it's possible to be queasy and craving something at the same time? my nausea has been nearly constant, and while no food sounds good to me, when I do get food in front of me and start eating, I feel fine, then back to sick to my stomach directly after.
I called my old friend Michelle last night, and she really made me feel better, she said the feelings that i am having (anxiety,"oh shit what am I going to do") are completely normal. she also told me not to get too attached because I could still miscarry, which has ran in my moms side of the family,so I know the threat of that could be somewhat real, still i try not to worry about it much.
Whats frustrating to me, is how much I feel like complete shit, any woman who says she loves being pregnant needs to be sucker punched because she has to be lying, this is not "awesome" I feel like crap, I don't want to visit friends or go anywhere, not to mention the fact that my parents don't know yet and I have to talk to my mom every day and manage not to tell her about this secret festering inside of me, I mean that takes alot of work to keep that shit in . It's no wonder I nap every day. Even as I sit here I feel like vomiting, but you know what?.......throwing up is too much work!
People keep asking if i am happy and I say "yeah i am, in those brief moments of clarity when I am not freaking out over labor or trying to keep my food down."
So in order to ease my mind, I have been making contact with my gals who have had babies, trying to get the lowdown from them, and although everyone is different, talking to them really helps me to be less scared.
I am going to go cry into a bag of cheetos now, ........then throw them back up.
Week 7 Cont.
I’m starting to feel better, although not physically, but mentally at least, I read every day, she is only 2 months ahead of me, so I feel I can relate. Today I was so relived to read that she hates being pregnant, “she hates it?.....SERIOUSLY?? People like me exist?” I thought that your supposed to love being pregnant and how much of a woman you feel like and oh what a blessing. Blessing maybe, but for gods sake, what this is doing to my body is hell.
I woke up this morning, swearing to god that I smelled………..Infection…….I know that’s weird but I smell it, and it’s in my nose, I cannot get the smell out, I have tried perfume, everything. NOTHING works.
I also have a terrible intolerance to cold. And living here in Cleveland near a large frozen body of water doesn’t really help that issue.
I walked into work today and my manger asked me how I was feeling (seeing the green look on my face, the saltines and ginger tes in hand) I said “like shit actually” she just laughed and so did a few other women near by, that ticked me off, I was like “whats so funny? WHY is my suffering funny???” that just irks the hell out of me. Lol.
The only thing that seems to be lifting a bit, and this may be due to the Prenatal vitamins I am taking, is my exhaustion, I was able to do far more yesterday that I have been able to do previously, and while I still feel a bit tired, I may actually make it out to visit my Friend Julia’s new house tonight, before coming home and going straight to bed.
Every day that goes by where I do not tell my mom, I pat my self on the back, so far keeping the secret has been rather easy. Hopefully that continues.
I do have one good thing to say about all of this…..last night in a brief reprieve from Nausea, I gorged on Veggie chips and fat free French onion dip, and it was………….the most spectacular thing in the world. Food really does taste tastier when you are pregnant. And I know it may be strange, but music sounds better……any kind of music, I crave music like some women crave pickles lately, and when I hear it, it’s almost orgasmic!
Pregnancy Week 6
Sooooo…remember that Arby’s Beef and Cheddar I wanted last night?
Oh yeah….it’s like that……for the past few weeks I have had that……”I am nauseous…….not wait no I’m not…no wait… I am…yup I am.”…..OOOHHHHHHH Chips!!!!!!” …5 minutes later…..ugh…..chips……..”
Finally last night after coming home and murdering an Arby’s Beef and cheddar combo, I realized, yeah I better take a test. So…I took three……..Hey gotta make damn sure right?
I kind of just stared at it, with my jaw open, we weren’t planning on it RIGHT NOW, more like next August, but I think this a serious blessing, and this is happening for a reason.
I finally got up enough of my motor skills to go down stairs and show the hubby, I showed him and he cried, then I cried and then I laughed, and cried again, then I hyperventilated, and cried again…….then I ate some more French fries.
I know it sounds funny but I actually feel swollen, like my belly is swollen. To quote Heather on “DOOCE” “I can smell your pores” and am sick to my stomach on and off. But am trying to handle it the best I can, due to an ongoing weak stomach, I have felt queasy most of my life, so hopefully that will give me the energy to push through this.
Trying to sleep last night was damn near impossible, first I was freezing then I was lying in a pool of my own sweat, then I had to pee. Then when I finally did fall asleep I had to get up for work lol……welcome to mother hood right?
I haven’t told my parents as of yet, or Bills family, we are keeping it quiet until Christmas Eve. At least we are going to try to keep it that way, which means I have to keep my mouth shut when talking to my mother and seeing her face to face for the next three and a half weeks!!! Holy crap!
See, what we want to do, is this. I am going to go to the craft store, and get two little eenie weenie plastic babies, then I am going to wrap them up in little tiny blankets and put them into a small jewelry box. I will wrap one for my mom and dad and one for Bills mom and dad. And at Christmas when everyone is over, they will open them as gifts!! I hate keeping the secret from my mom for so long, but I really want to wait until I see the doctor and see a beating heart, and know that everything is ok. I go between fits of giggles and crying. It’s crazy lol.
As far cravings are concerned, besides said Roast beef and cheddar sandwich. I have wanted pickles and Green Olives, what I haven’t been able to stomach? Anything with leaves on it, can’t do salad at all L and the though of turkey………….ewwwww………….
So that is were I am at right now, I want to record everything as this is my first pregnancy, and I was going to start separate blog, but I thought, why bother? My blog name means Joy of Life. And this ….well…..this is just the greatest joy that I could hope for.:)
7 Weeks Still nauseous
So now I am wondering if it's possible to be queasy and craving something at the same time? my nausea has been nearly constant, and while no food sounds good to me, when I do get food in front of me and start eating, I feel fine, then back to sick to my stomach directly after.
I called my old friend Michelle last night, and she really made me feel better, she said the feelings that i am having (anxiety,"oh shit what am I going to do") are completely normal. she also told me not to get too attached because I could still miscarry, which has ran in my moms side of the family,so I know the threat of that could be somewhat real, still i try not to worry about it much.
Whats frustrating to me, is how much I feel like complete shit, any woman who says she loves being pregnant needs to be sucker punched because she has to be lying, this is not "awesome" I feel like crap, I don't want to visit friends or go anywhere, not to mention the fact that my parents don't know yet and I have to talk to my mom every day and manage not to tell her about this secret festering inside of me, I mean that takes alot of work to keep that shit in . It's no wonder I nap every day. Even as I sit here I feel like vomiting, but you know what?.......throwing up is too much work!
People keep asking if i am happy and I say "yeah i am, in those brief moments of clarity when I am not freaking out over labor or trying to keep my food down."
So in order to ease my mind, I have been making contact with my gals who have had babies, trying to get the lowdown from them, and although everyone is different, talking to them really helps me to be less scared.
I am going to go cry into a bag of cheetos now, ........then throw them back up.
Week 7 Cont.
I’m starting to feel better, although not physically, but mentally at least, I read every day, she is only 2 months ahead of me, so I feel I can relate. Today I was so relived to read that she hates being pregnant, “she hates it?.....SERIOUSLY?? People like me exist?” I thought that your supposed to love being pregnant and how much of a woman you feel like and oh what a blessing. Blessing maybe, but for gods sake, what this is doing to my body is hell.
I woke up this morning, swearing to god that I smelled………..Infection…….I know that’s weird but I smell it, and it’s in my nose, I cannot get the smell out, I have tried perfume, everything. NOTHING works.
I also have a terrible intolerance to cold. And living here in Cleveland near a large frozen body of water doesn’t really help that issue.
I walked into work today and my manger asked me how I was feeling (seeing the green look on my face, the saltines and ginger tes in hand) I said “like shit actually” she just laughed and so did a few other women near by, that ticked me off, I was like “whats so funny? WHY is my suffering funny???” that just irks the hell out of me. Lol.
The only thing that seems to be lifting a bit, and this may be due to the Prenatal vitamins I am taking, is my exhaustion, I was able to do far more yesterday that I have been able to do previously, and while I still feel a bit tired, I may actually make it out to visit my Friend Julia’s new house tonight, before coming home and going straight to bed.
Every day that goes by where I do not tell my mom, I pat my self on the back, so far keeping the secret has been rather easy. Hopefully that continues.
I do have one good thing to say about all of this…..last night in a brief reprieve from Nausea, I gorged on Veggie chips and fat free French onion dip, and it was………….the most spectacular thing in the world. Food really does taste tastier when you are pregnant. And I know it may be strange, but music sounds better……any kind of music, I crave music like some women crave pickles lately, and when I hear it, it’s almost orgasmic!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sorry I haven't blogged much latley, truth be told I have a reason ;) But that I cannot tell you yet,It will all be made clear next week sometime later in the week, and then trust me, there will be plenty to read :) Have a Merry Christmas! and Happy Chanukah!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Two fave fun holiday songs
I really love these two songs, they are my faves ofr fun christmas songs, I like the Christmas Wrapping song sung better by the original waitresses, but eh....The Donnas will have to do.
This is a MUST!!!!! Laugh my tush off every time!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Because I love him!
1. Where did you meet your husband? We met on Match .com!! (see it DOES work for some people!) The first time that we talked on the phone, it was for two hours! Then we decided to meet at The Harry Buffalo for drinks, I shocked him and bought HIM a drink first, afterwards we sat in front of my apartment in his truck listening to Christopher Cross and writing notes on receipts to each other. 
2. How long did you date before you got married? For about a year and a half, then we were engaged for two years.
3. How long have you been married? 1 year and 5 months!! (Shannon we must have gotten married fairly close to each other!)

4. What does he do that surprises you? Flowers, like out of nowhere! Or if I am tired or had a bad week, he will take me out to dinner.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His cute little butt!! And the combo of his black hair and green eyes. ROWR!!!
6. What is his best quality? He is a real take charge kind of guy, and he is sensitive, if something is going wrong, he goes into damage control and survival mode instantly.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Blondie. Silly girl
8. What is his favorite food? DEFINITLEY Chinese food!!
9. What is his favorite sport? Baseball and Bowling
10. When and where did you first kiss? In his truck in front of my apartment on our first date (yeah I know I’m SOOOOO easy right?)
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Exploring new places, like if we go to a new city, we love to go to the shops and find cool places to eat, we also love to go Amish Country and gets lots of homemade goodies!
12. Do you have any children? Not…………yet…………
13. Does he have any hidden talents? (LOLOLOL…..well) he is also oddly good at decorating. And real good at photography, which took me some getting used to because I WAS THE ART MAJOR!! I AM SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD AT THAT STUFF L
14. How old is he? 35
15. Who said 'I love you' first? Well it depends on who you ask, one night at bowling, I looked at him across the table and mouthed “your cute” he swore to god I said “I love you” it probably did look like I was saying that. He was the first one to actually come on out and say it.
16. What is his favorite music? Jazz and Alternative hard rock
17. What do you admire most about him? He works very very hard and handles a lot of stuff by himself. I am so very
Proud of him.
18. What is his favorite color? Red or Blue (such the American he is)
19. Will he read this? I believe he makes a pass at my blog now and then J
20. Who will I tag next? Anyone who reads this!

2. How long did you date before you got married? For about a year and a half, then we were engaged for two years.
3. How long have you been married? 1 year and 5 months!! (Shannon we must have gotten married fairly close to each other!)

4. What does he do that surprises you? Flowers, like out of nowhere! Or if I am tired or had a bad week, he will take me out to dinner.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His cute little butt!! And the combo of his black hair and green eyes. ROWR!!!
6. What is his best quality? He is a real take charge kind of guy, and he is sensitive, if something is going wrong, he goes into damage control and survival mode instantly.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Blondie. Silly girl
8. What is his favorite food? DEFINITLEY Chinese food!!
9. What is his favorite sport? Baseball and Bowling
10. When and where did you first kiss? In his truck in front of my apartment on our first date (yeah I know I’m SOOOOO easy right?)
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Exploring new places, like if we go to a new city, we love to go to the shops and find cool places to eat, we also love to go Amish Country and gets lots of homemade goodies!

12. Do you have any children? Not…………yet…………
13. Does he have any hidden talents? (LOLOLOL…..well) he is also oddly good at decorating. And real good at photography, which took me some getting used to because I WAS THE ART MAJOR!! I AM SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD AT THAT STUFF L
14. How old is he? 35
15. Who said 'I love you' first? Well it depends on who you ask, one night at bowling, I looked at him across the table and mouthed “your cute” he swore to god I said “I love you” it probably did look like I was saying that. He was the first one to actually come on out and say it.
16. What is his favorite music? Jazz and Alternative hard rock
17. What do you admire most about him? He works very very hard and handles a lot of stuff by himself. I am so very
Proud of him.
18. What is his favorite color? Red or Blue (such the American he is)
19. Will he read this? I believe he makes a pass at my blog now and then J
20. Who will I tag next? Anyone who reads this!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Secrets revealed
( this post was originally drafted back in November I am posting it now to annouces the enws :) I am currently 10 weeks pregnant, we kept it a secret from our parents up until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The next few post were formed within the weeks since we have found out. I stopped posting at the 7th weeks because I became sotired I just had no desire to do anything, but from weeks 8-10 I have started to feel better, Below are the two videos from when we told our mothers, the first one is my mother the second one is Bills mother.)
Pregnancy Week 6
Sooooo…remember that Arby’s Beef and Cheddar I wanted last night?
Oh yeah….it’s like that……for the past few weeks I have had that……”I am nauseous…….not wait no I’m not…no wait… I am…yup I am.”…..OOOHHHHHHH Chips!!!!!!” …5 minutes later…..ugh…..chips……..”
Finally last night after coming home and murdering an Arby’s Beef and cheddar combo, I realized, yeah I better take a test. So…I took three……..
Hey gotta make damn sure right?
I kind of just stared at it, with my jaw open, we weren’t planning on it RIGHT NOW, more like next August, but I think this a serious blessing, and this is happening for a reason.
I finally got up enough of my motor skills to go down stairs and show the hubby, I showed him and he cried, then I cried and then I laughed, and cried again, then I hyperventilated, and cried again…….then I ate some more French fries.
I know it sounds funny but I actually feel swollen, like my belly is swollen. To quote Heather on “DOOCE” “I can smell your pores” and am sick to my stomach on and off. But am trying to handle it the best I can, due to an ongoing weak stomach, I have felt queasy most of my life, so hopefully that will give me the energy to push through this.
Trying to sleep last night was damn near impossible, first I was freezing then I was lying in a pool of my own sweat, then I had to pee. Then when I finally did fall asleep I had to get up for work lol……welcome to mother hood right?
I haven’t told my parents as of yet, or Bills family, we are keeping it quiet until Christmas Eve. At least we are going to try to keep it that way, which means I have to keep my mouth shut when talking to my mother and seeing her face to face for the next three and a half weeks!!! Holy crap!
See, what we want to do, is this. I am going to go to the craft store, and get two little eenie weenie plastic babies, then I am going to wrap them up in little tiny blankets and put them into a small jewelry box. I will wrap one for my mom and dad and one for Bills mom and dad. And at Christmas when everyone is over, they will open them as gifts!! I hate keeping the secret from my mom for so long, but I really want to wait until I see the doctor and see a beating heart, and know that everything is ok. I go between fits of giggles and crying. It’s crazy lol.
As far cravings are concerned, besides said Roast beef and cheddar sandwich. I have wanted pickles and Green Olives, what I haven’t been able to stomach? Anything with leaves on it, can’t do salad at all L and the though of turkey………….ewwwww………….
So that is were I am at right now, I want to record everything as this is my first pregnancy, and I was going to start separate blog, but I thought, why bother? My blog name means Joy of Life. And this ….well…..this is just the greatest joy that I could hope for.:)
7 Weeks Still nauseous
So now I am wondering if it's possible to be queasy and craving something at the same time? my nausea has been nearly constant, and while no food sounds good to me, when I do get food in front of me and start eating, I feel fine, then back to sick to my stomach directly after.
I called my old friend Michelle last night, and she really made me feel better, she said the feelings that i am having (anxiety,"oh shit what am I going to do") are completely normal. she also told me not to get too attached because I could still miscarry, which has ran in my moms side of the family,so I know the threat of that could be somewhat real, still i try not to worry about it much.
Whats frustrating to me, is how much I feel like complete shit, any woman who says she loves being pregnant needs to be sucker punched because she has to be lying, this is not "awesome" I feel like crap, I don't want to visit friends or go anywhere, not to mention the fact that my parents don't know yet and I have to talk to my mom every day and manage not to tell her about this secret festering inside of me, I mean that takes alot of work to keep that shit in . It's no wonder I nap every day. Even as I sit here I feel like vomiting, but you know what?.......throwing up is too much work!
People keep asking if i am happy and I say "yeah i am, in those brief moments of clarity when I am not freaking out over labor or trying to keep my food down."
So in order to ease my mind, I have been making contact with my gals who have had babies, trying to get the lowdown from them, and although everyone is different, talking to them really helps me to be less scared.
I am going to go cry into a bag of cheetos now, ........then throw them back up.
Week 7 Cont.
I’m starting to feel better, although not physically, but mentally at least, I read every day, she is only 2 months ahead of me, so I feel I can relate. Today I was so relived to read that she hates being pregnant, “she hates it?.....SERIOUSLY?? People like me exist?” I thought that your supposed to love being pregnant and how much of a woman you feel like and oh what a blessing. Blessing maybe, but for gods sake, what this is doing to my body is hell.
I woke up this morning, swearing to god that I smelled………..Infection…….I know that’s weird but I smell it, and it’s in my nose, I cannot get the smell out, I have tried perfume, everything. NOTHING works.
I also have a terrible intolerance to cold. And living here in Cleveland near a large frozen body of water doesn’t really help that issue.
I walked into work today and my manger asked me how I was feeling (seeing the green look on my face, the saltines and ginger tes in hand) I said “like shit actually” she just laughed and so did a few other women near by, that ticked me off, I was like “whats so funny? WHY is my suffering funny???” that just irks the hell out of me. Lol.
The only thing that seems to be lifting a bit, and this may be due to the Prenatal vitamins I am taking, is my exhaustion, I was able to do far more yesterday that I have been able to do previously, and while I still feel a bit tired, I may actually make it out to visit my Friend Julia’s new house tonight, before coming home and going straight to bed.
Every day that goes by where I do not tell my mom, I pat my self on the back, so far keeping the secret has been rather easy. Hopefully that continues.
I do have one good thing to say about all of this…..last night in a brief reprieve from Nausea, I gorged on Veggie chips and fat free French onion dip, and it was………….the most spectacular thing in the world. Food really does taste tastier when you are pregnant. And I know it may be strange, but music sounds better……any kind of music, I crave music like some women crave pickles lately, and when I hear it, it’s almost orgasmic!
Pregnancy Week 6
Sooooo…remember that Arby’s Beef and Cheddar I wanted last night?
Oh yeah….it’s like that……for the past few weeks I have had that……”I am nauseous…….not wait no I’m not…no wait… I am…yup I am.”…..OOOHHHHHHH Chips!!!!!!” …5 minutes later…..ugh…..chips……..”
Finally last night after coming home and murdering an Arby’s Beef and cheddar combo, I realized, yeah I better take a test. So…I took three……..
Hey gotta make damn sure right?
I kind of just stared at it, with my jaw open, we weren’t planning on it RIGHT NOW, more like next August, but I think this a serious blessing, and this is happening for a reason.
I finally got up enough of my motor skills to go down stairs and show the hubby, I showed him and he cried, then I cried and then I laughed, and cried again, then I hyperventilated, and cried again…….then I ate some more French fries.
I know it sounds funny but I actually feel swollen, like my belly is swollen. To quote Heather on “DOOCE” “I can smell your pores” and am sick to my stomach on and off. But am trying to handle it the best I can, due to an ongoing weak stomach, I have felt queasy most of my life, so hopefully that will give me the energy to push through this.
Trying to sleep last night was damn near impossible, first I was freezing then I was lying in a pool of my own sweat, then I had to pee. Then when I finally did fall asleep I had to get up for work lol……welcome to mother hood right?
I haven’t told my parents as of yet, or Bills family, we are keeping it quiet until Christmas Eve. At least we are going to try to keep it that way, which means I have to keep my mouth shut when talking to my mother and seeing her face to face for the next three and a half weeks!!! Holy crap!
See, what we want to do, is this. I am going to go to the craft store, and get two little eenie weenie plastic babies, then I am going to wrap them up in little tiny blankets and put them into a small jewelry box. I will wrap one for my mom and dad and one for Bills mom and dad. And at Christmas when everyone is over, they will open them as gifts!! I hate keeping the secret from my mom for so long, but I really want to wait until I see the doctor and see a beating heart, and know that everything is ok. I go between fits of giggles and crying. It’s crazy lol.
As far cravings are concerned, besides said Roast beef and cheddar sandwich. I have wanted pickles and Green Olives, what I haven’t been able to stomach? Anything with leaves on it, can’t do salad at all L and the though of turkey………….ewwwww………….
So that is were I am at right now, I want to record everything as this is my first pregnancy, and I was going to start separate blog, but I thought, why bother? My blog name means Joy of Life. And this ….well…..this is just the greatest joy that I could hope for.:)
7 Weeks Still nauseous
So now I am wondering if it's possible to be queasy and craving something at the same time? my nausea has been nearly constant, and while no food sounds good to me, when I do get food in front of me and start eating, I feel fine, then back to sick to my stomach directly after.
I called my old friend Michelle last night, and she really made me feel better, she said the feelings that i am having (anxiety,"oh shit what am I going to do") are completely normal. she also told me not to get too attached because I could still miscarry, which has ran in my moms side of the family,so I know the threat of that could be somewhat real, still i try not to worry about it much.
Whats frustrating to me, is how much I feel like complete shit, any woman who says she loves being pregnant needs to be sucker punched because she has to be lying, this is not "awesome" I feel like crap, I don't want to visit friends or go anywhere, not to mention the fact that my parents don't know yet and I have to talk to my mom every day and manage not to tell her about this secret festering inside of me, I mean that takes alot of work to keep that shit in . It's no wonder I nap every day. Even as I sit here I feel like vomiting, but you know what?.......throwing up is too much work!
People keep asking if i am happy and I say "yeah i am, in those brief moments of clarity when I am not freaking out over labor or trying to keep my food down."
So in order to ease my mind, I have been making contact with my gals who have had babies, trying to get the lowdown from them, and although everyone is different, talking to them really helps me to be less scared.
I am going to go cry into a bag of cheetos now, ........then throw them back up.
Week 7 Cont.
I’m starting to feel better, although not physically, but mentally at least, I read every day, she is only 2 months ahead of me, so I feel I can relate. Today I was so relived to read that she hates being pregnant, “she hates it?.....SERIOUSLY?? People like me exist?” I thought that your supposed to love being pregnant and how much of a woman you feel like and oh what a blessing. Blessing maybe, but for gods sake, what this is doing to my body is hell.
I woke up this morning, swearing to god that I smelled………..Infection…….I know that’s weird but I smell it, and it’s in my nose, I cannot get the smell out, I have tried perfume, everything. NOTHING works.
I also have a terrible intolerance to cold. And living here in Cleveland near a large frozen body of water doesn’t really help that issue.
I walked into work today and my manger asked me how I was feeling (seeing the green look on my face, the saltines and ginger tes in hand) I said “like shit actually” she just laughed and so did a few other women near by, that ticked me off, I was like “whats so funny? WHY is my suffering funny???” that just irks the hell out of me. Lol.
The only thing that seems to be lifting a bit, and this may be due to the Prenatal vitamins I am taking, is my exhaustion, I was able to do far more yesterday that I have been able to do previously, and while I still feel a bit tired, I may actually make it out to visit my Friend Julia’s new house tonight, before coming home and going straight to bed.
Every day that goes by where I do not tell my mom, I pat my self on the back, so far keeping the secret has been rather easy. Hopefully that continues.
I do have one good thing to say about all of this…..last night in a brief reprieve from Nausea, I gorged on Veggie chips and fat free French onion dip, and it was………….the most spectacular thing in the world. Food really does taste tastier when you are pregnant. And I know it may be strange, but music sounds better……any kind of music, I crave music like some women crave pickles lately, and when I hear it, it’s almost orgasmic!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Blogs you need to check out (because I said so)
Ok really you don’t have to do what I say…….but seriously you should DEFINITELY check these talented peoples blogs out.
The Freelancers Fashion Blog
This blond bombshell serves up the fashion tasties routinely,she is multi talented and can pull an outfit together in a jiffy.
(Sigh) she makes me want to move to Finland. Go tot this site for your daily dose of Kitsch and class!!
I found this by accident, this woman is awesome, a “fallen “ Mormon with some of the best dry humor around,
Check out her fun musings about motherhood, and of course her” daily Chuck” pictures of her cute dog chuck balancing things on his head, “Daily Style” and “daily photo”.

Girls Gone Child
Rebbecca Woolf is a frickin goddess, even if you don’t have children, you are sure to love this cool rocking moms site, from fun stories about modern parenthood, to everything you weren’t sure you wanted to know about pregnancy, this girl lays it down.

Gala Darling .com
Have I mentioned this gal before? I just love her!! She is from New Zealand but frequents the states, with her bright pink hair and her sparkling personality, this girls blogs on style and general life issues , brightens up my day! Be sure to check out her “style tips” posts, where she gives fun and wacky suggestions to make your life more fun.

Clever Blog Name Here:
Ok I am not only biased because this is my beautiful cousin Ashley, but this girl is also waaaay talented. Check out her awesome photography…girls got mad skills yo……..mad. And also check out her other site; for fun photo challenges!!
Ok now go….. read peoples!!!!!!!
Now Excuse me while I bury my face into a tasty Arbys Beef and Cheddar Sandwich..........ahhhhh PMS........

This blond bombshell serves up the fashion tasties routinely,she is multi talented and can pull an outfit together in a jiffy.
(Sigh) she makes me want to move to Finland. Go tot this site for your daily dose of Kitsch and class!!
I found this by accident, this woman is awesome, a “fallen “ Mormon with some of the best dry humor around,
Check out her fun musings about motherhood, and of course her” daily Chuck” pictures of her cute dog chuck balancing things on his head, “Daily Style” and “daily photo”.

Girls Gone Child
Rebbecca Woolf is a frickin goddess, even if you don’t have children, you are sure to love this cool rocking moms site, from fun stories about modern parenthood, to everything you weren’t sure you wanted to know about pregnancy, this girl lays it down.

Gala Darling .com
Have I mentioned this gal before? I just love her!! She is from New Zealand but frequents the states, with her bright pink hair and her sparkling personality, this girls blogs on style and general life issues , brightens up my day! Be sure to check out her “style tips” posts, where she gives fun and wacky suggestions to make your life more fun.

Clever Blog Name Here:
Ok I am not only biased because this is my beautiful cousin Ashley, but this girl is also waaaay talented. Check out her awesome photography…girls got mad skills yo……..mad. And also check out her other site; for fun photo challenges!!
Ok now go….. read peoples!!!!!!!
Now Excuse me while I bury my face into a tasty Arbys Beef and Cheddar Sandwich..........ahhhhh PMS........
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Christmas Wishlist
Yes I know Thanksgiving hasn't even come yet, but what the hell here is my Christmas wish list.
I am not wishing for much this year, because truth be told I don't really NEED much
In no particular order
- Victoria's Secret "Love Spell" body spray and lotion

- Victoria's Secret "Very Sexy Dare" Perfume

- Fossil Watches (either of these will do!)

-The best Of Big Chuck and Little John (if your a native to Cleveland you know how important this is) if you are not a native to Cleveland, these guys have been on the air doing funny skits since I was a wee little girl, I LOVE THEM!!! They are Cleveland!!

-A leather jacket ( I don't have a picture because the one I want I cant find the picture of it)
my husband has a Harley and it was a bad ass Harley Jacket that I saw a few months ago with a pink sweatshirt liner, it was sharp as hell!!! And perfect for freezing Cleveland Weather.
-Gift cards to Forever 21, Target, Sephora and Ann Taylor.
I almost feel weird having a non elaborate list this year but honestly, I have just about everything I could really want, and I guess that is a wonderful thing!! Of course I also love the little thoughtful things I get from friends and family , those are always nice Surprises :)
....So what are YOU wishing for??????
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Have you smiled at someone today?

I have had a real nasty day thus far, my day started off with me getting into two altercations with customers, one of which landed me in my managers office going through cantankerous emails and defending myself until I was blue in the face.
Then once that calmed down, I had a customer who thought it was his duty to let all of his political aggression and frustration out on me in the form of screaming at me for not having and answer for him.
After that fun jaunt, I got a letter from management stating that we may have to work the holidays (great like I don’t hate this place enough sometimes, just take away my right to be with my family to REALLY boost my morale!!)
After my customer altercation, i had a coworker who saw me in the bosses office text message me on the computer asking what had happened I wrote back “oh just some dumb ass customer trying to get me in trouble” the problem??? I didn’t send it to my friend I sent it on accident to management…..GREAT!!!!!!! Who replied “please do not talk to anyone until you have calmed down”
So I thought I would get out for lunch, so I head out to Panera Bread, I walk into the door and….OMG!! people ALL over the place, granted the service was fast but very rushed and no one was very personable, so finally I get my tasty lunch (orchard harvest salad and chicken soup) sit down and try to replenish my mind, choosing not to listen to the thoughts in my head, but rather to the guy behind me talking about some interesting real estate options to another customer. After I was done, I stopped by the cafĂ© for steamed soy milk with whip cream. So I stand there at the counter…..and stand there……..aaaaaaaaaaaand stand there. Finally a girl moseys on over and looks at my request like I just asked her for the whole world. She enters it, I pay. And then it happened……A manager comes over to the counter and tells her he will make the drink for me. So as he is steaming my millk, (that sounds kind of dirty) he smiles at me! And says, “so how is your day today?” I smile and say “well it’s been trying” he finishes my milk and hands me a medium sized cup of steamed milk with whip cream. “OH” I said, “I paid for a small”. He goes “I know, but I figured you could use a treat”…….and I swear, that guy smiling at me and doing that for me, made the whole rest of my afternoon, POOF!! Went my bad mood. And I swear to you, as I walked out the door, (which BTW a nice gentleman held open for me) the sun came out!!!!
So I ask you to smile at somebody today, it may just be that little thing that makes their day better. We need a lot more people like that in the world.
Here is a song by Ani Difranco that I LOVE that came to mind after this all occurred:
PIXIE by Ani Difrancoi'm a pixiei'm a paperdolli'm a cartooni'm a chipper cheerful free for alland i light up a roomi'm the color me happy girlmiss live and let liveand when they're out for bloodi always givethe man behind the counter looks like he's gota half a dozen places he'd rather beand furthermore it looks like he's preparedto take it all out on mebuddy, i don't really care what your problem isjust don't make it minecome on kids, let's all hold handsand pretend we're having a good timemaybe you don't like your jobmaybe you didn't get enough sleepwell, nobody likes their jobnobody got enough sleepmaybe you just hadthe worst day of your lifebut, you know, there's no escapeand there's no excuseso just suck up and be niceall the privileged white kids on tvplaying at deathbrandishing their cold cutswith their ghostly makeupand their heroin breathand all the little fishes are flapping wildlyon their hookswhile all the top critics find great meaningin the telephone bookthe little emperor he has no clothesso he can't come out to playand besides which life is sufferingand he likes it that wayand the little guy is not so friendlybut you know life has been cruelso wipe that smile off your face babyand try to be coolyeah, i would like to perfect the artof being studiously alooflike life is just a boring choreand i am living proofi could join forces with an armyof ornery hipstersbut then i guess i'd be out of a jobso i guess that's out of the picture
Then once that calmed down, I had a customer who thought it was his duty to let all of his political aggression and frustration out on me in the form of screaming at me for not having and answer for him.
After that fun jaunt, I got a letter from management stating that we may have to work the holidays (great like I don’t hate this place enough sometimes, just take away my right to be with my family to REALLY boost my morale!!)
After my customer altercation, i had a coworker who saw me in the bosses office text message me on the computer asking what had happened I wrote back “oh just some dumb ass customer trying to get me in trouble” the problem??? I didn’t send it to my friend I sent it on accident to management…..GREAT!!!!!!! Who replied “please do not talk to anyone until you have calmed down”
So I thought I would get out for lunch, so I head out to Panera Bread, I walk into the door and….OMG!! people ALL over the place, granted the service was fast but very rushed and no one was very personable, so finally I get my tasty lunch (orchard harvest salad and chicken soup) sit down and try to replenish my mind, choosing not to listen to the thoughts in my head, but rather to the guy behind me talking about some interesting real estate options to another customer. After I was done, I stopped by the cafĂ© for steamed soy milk with whip cream. So I stand there at the counter…..and stand there……..aaaaaaaaaaaand stand there. Finally a girl moseys on over and looks at my request like I just asked her for the whole world. She enters it, I pay. And then it happened……A manager comes over to the counter and tells her he will make the drink for me. So as he is steaming my millk, (that sounds kind of dirty) he smiles at me! And says, “so how is your day today?” I smile and say “well it’s been trying” he finishes my milk and hands me a medium sized cup of steamed milk with whip cream. “OH” I said, “I paid for a small”. He goes “I know, but I figured you could use a treat”…….and I swear, that guy smiling at me and doing that for me, made the whole rest of my afternoon, POOF!! Went my bad mood. And I swear to you, as I walked out the door, (which BTW a nice gentleman held open for me) the sun came out!!!!
So I ask you to smile at somebody today, it may just be that little thing that makes their day better. We need a lot more people like that in the world.
Here is a song by Ani Difranco that I LOVE that came to mind after this all occurred:
PIXIE by Ani Difrancoi'm a pixiei'm a paperdolli'm a cartooni'm a chipper cheerful free for alland i light up a roomi'm the color me happy girlmiss live and let liveand when they're out for bloodi always givethe man behind the counter looks like he's gota half a dozen places he'd rather beand furthermore it looks like he's preparedto take it all out on mebuddy, i don't really care what your problem isjust don't make it minecome on kids, let's all hold handsand pretend we're having a good timemaybe you don't like your jobmaybe you didn't get enough sleepwell, nobody likes their jobnobody got enough sleepmaybe you just hadthe worst day of your lifebut, you know, there's no escapeand there's no excuseso just suck up and be niceall the privileged white kids on tvplaying at deathbrandishing their cold cutswith their ghostly makeupand their heroin breathand all the little fishes are flapping wildlyon their hookswhile all the top critics find great meaningin the telephone bookthe little emperor he has no clothesso he can't come out to playand besides which life is sufferingand he likes it that wayand the little guy is not so friendlybut you know life has been cruelso wipe that smile off your face babyand try to be coolyeah, i would like to perfect the artof being studiously alooflike life is just a boring choreand i am living proofi could join forces with an armyof ornery hipstersbut then i guess i'd be out of a jobso i guess that's out of the picture
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Friends and Funerals
I had a funeral last night, nothing too traumatic, just a family friend from a long long time ago, but it was nice because I got to see the kids I grew up with living at my parents old house in Lorain, Ohio. We all laughed as we caught up on our lives and were pleased that everyone turned out ok, we shared stories about when we were little and we swore SWORE I tell you, that we saw a sasquatch in the Lorain cemetery, and the time we tried to get my friends brother to drink muddy water, telling him it was chocolate milk. (never fell for it despite our feverish attempts) The kids I grew up with were mainly boys, which I why I guess that I was a bit of a tomboy as a little girl, barbies really weren’t my thing, no, you could always find me up in a tree somewhere or playing army on the dirt mound in the back yard, or kickball.
After my parents moved, I got more girly friends and sort of dropped the tom boy routine, but still to this day my husband doesn’t believe that I was once a sporty kind of gal.
The evening ended off nicely, sitting at my parent’s living room eating fabulous chocolate cake that my dad made and just talking general memories.
When I finally did return home, I was greeted by a husband in a wonderful mood and a package (OHHHHHH) my new phone came (YAY!!) so I cannot wait to get home tonight and mess with it! Also got some crafting planned tonight, I am making and OBAMA magnet for my grandmother (she LOVES Obama) and do the transfer for my necklace, I promise I will get photos up by the end of the week……..seriously…..
After my parents moved, I got more girly friends and sort of dropped the tom boy routine, but still to this day my husband doesn’t believe that I was once a sporty kind of gal.
The evening ended off nicely, sitting at my parent’s living room eating fabulous chocolate cake that my dad made and just talking general memories.
When I finally did return home, I was greeted by a husband in a wonderful mood and a package (OHHHHHH) my new phone came (YAY!!) so I cannot wait to get home tonight and mess with it! Also got some crafting planned tonight, I am making and OBAMA magnet for my grandmother (she LOVES Obama) and do the transfer for my necklace, I promise I will get photos up by the end of the week……..seriously…..
Sunday, November 9, 2008
....Well at least I MADE a roast this weekend
Yesterday I went to the MADE in the 216 show at Room Service, and "SWOON"!!! my NEW fave store, lots of really kewl original stuff just waiting for me to purchase. Sadly yesterdays I was out of money, but now that I know were the store is, Julia and I will have to trek back down for some Christmas shoppin! Check out these three local based artists that I really dug. And you thought Cleveland had nothing to offer.........
Super Industrial Love
Afterwards, Julia and I went to Bella Dubby for some tasty hot coffee deliciousness, then my plans to go grocery shopping and do some crafting were derailed, when I suddenly felt like total shit. So I spent the afternoon huddled up on the couch under a comforter sleeping it off. But the hubby came home and brought me some food and took care of me.
Today we got alot of shopping done and hey look at that!! I made a roast!!! See I DID craft something today :) I may still make a necklace tonight but......meh.........maybe just a bit more rest first :)

Afterwards, Julia and I went to Bella Dubby for some tasty hot coffee deliciousness, then my plans to go grocery shopping and do some crafting were derailed, when I suddenly felt like total shit. So I spent the afternoon huddled up on the couch under a comforter sleeping it off. But the hubby came home and brought me some food and took care of me.
Today we got alot of shopping done and hey look at that!! I made a roast!!! See I DID craft something today :) I may still make a necklace tonight but......meh.........maybe just a bit more rest first :)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
It's beginning to look alot like........
Aside from being sick today (stupid cold) I am so excited, Julia and I are heading to ROOM SERVICE for a Local artists show!! I can't wait to gather new inspiration!
Also my wonderful father recently picked up a craft magazine for me and inside, it shows how to make resin rings, which is perfect because I just got the hang of using resin to clear coat my clay pendants, (which by the way is going very well, I will put up pics soon, I promise)
Aside from making my jewelry, I also want to make a new Christmas wreath for the front door,
I saw one I liked the one I want to make on this great gals site. Except I was thinking of trying to make one entirely out of Christmas bulbs. I am also making miniature clay food for my coworkers, I am using the food dishes each coworker is known for bringing to parties, and making a teeny tiny sized sculpture of it.
WHEW!!! i got allot to do! not to mention making Christmas sugar cookie cut outs and for the first time in my life , I am making my father famous fudge for Christmas, (read: honored)
I will up date more on these projects as I finish them!
now off to go make my self look decent for my crafting-art coma.
Aside from being sick today (stupid cold) I am so excited, Julia and I are heading to ROOM SERVICE for a Local artists show!! I can't wait to gather new inspiration!
Also my wonderful father recently picked up a craft magazine for me and inside, it shows how to make resin rings, which is perfect because I just got the hang of using resin to clear coat my clay pendants, (which by the way is going very well, I will put up pics soon, I promise)
Aside from making my jewelry, I also want to make a new Christmas wreath for the front door,
I saw one I liked the one I want to make on this great gals site. Except I was thinking of trying to make one entirely out of Christmas bulbs. I am also making miniature clay food for my coworkers, I am using the food dishes each coworker is known for bringing to parties, and making a teeny tiny sized sculpture of it.
WHEW!!! i got allot to do! not to mention making Christmas sugar cookie cut outs and for the first time in my life , I am making my father famous fudge for Christmas, (read: honored)
I will up date more on these projects as I finish them!
now off to go make my self look decent for my crafting-art coma.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election Fashion!
So in light of tommorrows elections (FINALLY) I have chosen two outfits sets.
This one is if Obama Wins, very patriotic in blue and red and cream. I LOVE these red patent shoes with the blue in the skirt.

OBAMA set by Heather5259
....and if Obama loses and McCain wins, all black with tissues in a leather box (because I will be in mourning) Booo :(

McCain by Heather5259
Here is to crossing my fingers!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This one is if Obama Wins, very patriotic in blue and red and cream. I LOVE these red patent shoes with the blue in the skirt.
OBAMA set by Heather5259
....and if Obama loses and McCain wins, all black with tissues in a leather box (because I will be in mourning) Booo :(
McCain by Heather5259
Here is to crossing my fingers!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Saturday, November 1, 2008

So yesterday was Halloween, and since our company is being nice to us, they decided to let us dress up for work, I wasn't really into getting completely dolled up this year, so I just did something simple, I went as "dizzy" I crafted a wreath out of stars and doves, you know like when you hit your head or get dizzy you see birds and stars???? Get it??.....not many people did, they thought I was an angel, but once I explained to them that 1...I am NO angel....and 2. What it REALLY was, they got it and thought it was clever. Still we had a ton of food, and it really made the day go by nicely.

This man even shaved his legs and painted his nails!!!!!!
Then, when we got home we built a bonfire and invited the neighbors down the street over for Pizza and beers, and handed out candy to the whopping 12 kids that came down our street, still it was fun and we stayed out side bullshitting until about 12.
Today we are going Bowling in Kent with Our friends Lindsay and Kevin, so I m off to go get ready!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Craft night!........Well.........almost.....

So tonight was craft night with Miss. Julia! The PLAN was to finish our masking tape maiden forms that we have been working on for three weeks now.....well.....that didn't work out so well. Julia had this great idea ( and yes it was a truly great idea in theory) to use liquid Foam Insulator (Great Stuff) to line just the inside of the forms so that when you stuck pins into it, the pins wouldn't come out sticky. Now the boys warned us ahead of time that this wasn't going to work, but "HA! Those boys are wrong, we'll show em!" we thought.....
So we taped card board into the bottom and the arm holes to give our Maidenform's a good support, got a can of Great Stuff and went at it. But when Julia tried to spray the inside of the form, it all fell to the bottom like sludge and didn't expand or do what we wanted it to do :(, it wasn't long before the Great Stuff wasn't so great, it was sticky and got on our clothes and hands, meanwhile our maiden form literally folded under the weight of the stuff. We decided it would be best to jump ship and forgo the project we were so hopeful for. But we laughed it off and pitched the form in the trash, and thought of what we could craft next time. Besides we had enough time left over afterward to sit and talk and play wit her dog Brutus.

Sigh....ah well...... what are you gonna do ya know?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Movie Day
So I took the day off work due to an ill tummy :(.
But that also meant I got to lay on the couch under the blankets and watch my most FAVE movie EVER! Virginia Woolfs ORLANDO. if you have never seen this movie SEE IT!! it has to be my most fave of all time, I am obsessed.
A favorite scene, it's a bit long but twoarss the end I love the air of feminism that she spews at those around her who think little less of women than just pretty creatures.
But that also meant I got to lay on the couch under the blankets and watch my most FAVE movie EVER! Virginia Woolfs ORLANDO. if you have never seen this movie SEE IT!! it has to be my most fave of all time, I am obsessed.
A favorite scene, it's a bit long but twoarss the end I love the air of feminism that she spews at those around her who think little less of women than just pretty creatures.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
It's about Damn Time!!!
For 3 years my husband has been pledging to get into the Cleveland Chopper Hot Rod Association. He has a 1965 Chevy Impala Super Sport, and a huge love for all cars classic (so do I, which is why we are such a good team) Any ways three years ago I convinced him to try to join the Choppers, because they seemed like pretty kewl guys, and I loved all the access to car shows and new socializing. Well it has been a long ass three years, and finally they made him a member Thursday night, so this morning I was so proud of him, we went right out and took pictures of him in the garage with his gear on. Congrats baby, I am proud of you!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008
Craft Night!!
So I spent last night, taping up my girlfriend …..No you pervs…not like that…. It was Thursday, and that meant it was Arts and Crafts night with Julia!
A few weeks ago, Julia had seen a posting on Thread Banger, on how to make your own custom dress form out of all things, duct tape. We decided this was a MUST DO to open up the crafting season. Last week she did my dress form, which after two hours of standing up came out great! (I still say it’s because she’s an engineer :) ) This week it was time to do hers. So she came over last night, tape in hand and off we went. Below is a basic instructional summary, to make your own go here; (note its in the second half of the segment)
A few weeks ago, Julia had seen a posting on Thread Banger, on how to make your own custom dress form out of all things, duct tape. We decided this was a MUST DO to open up the crafting season. Last week she did my dress form, which after two hours of standing up came out great! (I still say it’s because she’s an engineer :) ) This week it was time to do hers. So she came over last night, tape in hand and off we went. Below is a basic instructional summary, to make your own go here; (note its in the second half of the segment)

have your model put on an old fitted t-shirt that they wont mind being destroyed.( make sure that it is rather fitted and not too big)
We started midway down the butt crack (sorry no real not funny way to say that)

You will also want to draw a line straight down the back.
Once you have placed your lines, start cutting straight up the back, making sure not to cut your model (obviously) or her bra. Cut all the way up to the neck.
and began to wrap around her waist, slightly overlapping each piece, careful not to do this too tightly, you want an as natural form as possible, and don't worry about it being wrinkly (like I did) you can fix it later. Wrap once all the way up to the breast line.
Once you get to the breast line start at the center breast bone with one strip of tape and start every other piece at the breast bone point and point it out, (or as Julia says, "like your making a triangle top") make sure to smooth the pieces of tape well into the curve of the breasts and don't make it too tight, now you are going to have to get a bit fresh with the person being taped to do this correctly, so just drop any uncomfortableness and just get on in there!
You will then want to make sure that you cover the back and the under arm area. When you have covered all bases, do it again two more times.

When you are all done with all three layers, mark the belly button and natural waist line.

You will also want to draw a line straight down the back.

After you have cut your model out of her "duct tape corset" you will them need to tape it back together we used a few strips out side and a few strips inside for extra reinforcement. We then finished off the neckline and arm holes with extra tape.
Below is the finished product.

From here you can stuff it, or line it with insulating foam, and mount it on a stand, for a perfect clone of your self for sewing projects.
*btw* Thanks Julia for standing in my living room for like 2 hours and letting me tape you up. it was fun!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
How to pull yourself out of a Funk

Ever have one of those days, where you’re just feeling funky? Not the good funky, or the sick funky, but “blah,ugh, meh” funky?
Take today for instance, I woke up tired after 8 hours of sleep, am a bit cranky, and my turtle neck is bothering me. ( apparently it’s just not cold enough out for turtlenecks)
But I know my day is not completely ruined, because I follow these simple rules below to perk myself up on crappy days:
1. If your lucky enough to realize early that your day may be less than exciting, start it off right with some exercise ( I can hear the moaning now) but hear me out, drag your sleepy butt out of bed and throw yourself on your yoga mat, go for a brisk morning jog, or even a surprise roll in the hay with your lover! (Hence the moaning,…… and no I don’t want to hear that…..but good for you!)
2. After your “work out” hop in the shower and use a body scrub or soap that you really like, I like to use peppermint soap in the mornings; the cool tingly feeling on your skin REALLY gets you going! You can also try a caffeinated body wash if you prefer to wash with your morning cup o joe rather than drink it.
3. Once you are squeaky clean, doll yourself up, sure you feel lousy, but dressing down will only make you feel frumpy, you want to be comfortable yet classy, ( for example. DO not wear a wool turtle neck : ( ) Put on a nice pair of panties , a delicate bra and a fancy dress or skirt and blouse, something that makes you feel FABULOUS!! If you have the time, do your hair up nice, or try some new make-up looks (not that you need it, beautiful!)
4. Once you’re prettied up, head to the kitchen for some tasty eats, if you have the time the time to cook, then make something special for yourself, sit at the kitchen table and eat, turn on a radio, make a pot of tea, make a full breakfast and enjoy every bite slowly. OR if your crunched for time because you took longer than expected on number 1, (BTW good for you) then get your stuff together and head out to pick up breakfast on the way to work. Or wherever you happen to be going. Now what we are focused on here is nutrition, so maybe stop at McDonalds’ or what ever your local fast food joint is, grab a bagel but skip the fries or greasy hash browns and carry along an apple instead to finish off your meal.

5. On the way to work, if you take public transportation bring a guilty pleasure read with you, such as tabloid mag, or beauty or music mag. Or if your stuck in traffic, crank up your radio or ipod with some Gangsta Rap or something upbeat, the point here is ridiculousness, put on something that you would be horrified if anyone heard you singing, ( for me its Dr. Dre) over exaggerate your singing and use gestures to make your self laugh at well…….your self!! Do it you will feel better!!
6. At work, try to smile at everyone you meet, if you’re not in a lighter mood by now “pretend” that you are, sometimes that alone can spark a happy feeling.
7. If you are lucky enough to leave for lunch, go shopping or if the economic downturn has hit your pocketbook, go browsing, try on elaborate outfits you couldn’t possibly ever afford, take pictures of your self in them with your cell phone. You may also give your self a treat, stop and get a coffee or a piece of REALLY good chocolate.
8. I really do not have any tips on making through that final grueling hour of work, or the last four hours after lunch for that matter. If you have any let me know, but I try to continue my positive attitude through out the rest of the work day, just putting my nose to the grindstone to get all my projects mostly finished, that way I feel like I accomplished SOMETHING!
9. After your day is done, finish off your day by playing with your pets, this is great way to reduce stress, run around out side, or just wrestle with them indoors. Lie on the floor and let them lick your face; let your cat sit on you while you take in a favorite tv show.
10. Finish your day off by taking a nice hot shower or a fancy bubble bath, relax as long as you like read a magazine and look at that! You just made it through a funky day!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
How to destroy a $6.75 desert in 2.5 seconds flat

It was a Raspberry Mousse Devils Food Bomb from a natural foods resturaunt called Sweet Melissas. It was delectable,......and I inhaled it in my car in the parking lot.
..........................I have such issues............................. See what stress does to you kids???
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How soon we forget.....
No my darlings I have not forgotten to blog latley, I actually have had way too much going on. Lets see, this and last week alone I:
1. Helped a friend at the Art Institute with a project.
2. De-flea'd my dog , cat and my house not once but 4 TIMES!!!! (always go to the vet and buy thier meds, please don't waist your money on crap at Petco) if i would have listened to my own advice this whole shennanigan would have been avoided.
3. Went to two 30th b-days partys!!!!
4. Had a co-worker try to commit suicide in the bathroom at work , then ask ME if sh needed to go to the hospital.
5. Narrowly Missed getting laid off at work and in the process got REAL busy.
6. Have been working on my jewelry and charm line. ( wich I do enjoy but it does take up alot of time, and I am real excited about it, I also haven't told anybody so if you don't know then....surprise!!! but its not ready yet., "yay!!!"!!!)
....and about the running, I tried to get back into the swing of things after my cold, but now my right knee hurts, wich i kind of expected, so I am being ginger with that.
Jeese....ever feel like you can't get anything done???
Well at least I still have a job and now my babies are officialy flea free!!!
Well off to go poke around in other peoples blogs and catch up!
C-ya soon!
1. Helped a friend at the Art Institute with a project.
2. De-flea'd my dog , cat and my house not once but 4 TIMES!!!! (always go to the vet and buy thier meds, please don't waist your money on crap at Petco) if i would have listened to my own advice this whole shennanigan would have been avoided.
3. Went to two 30th b-days partys!!!!
4. Had a co-worker try to commit suicide in the bathroom at work , then ask ME if sh needed to go to the hospital.
5. Narrowly Missed getting laid off at work and in the process got REAL busy.
6. Have been working on my jewelry and charm line. ( wich I do enjoy but it does take up alot of time, and I am real excited about it, I also haven't told anybody so if you don't know then....surprise!!! but its not ready yet., "yay!!!"!!!)
....and about the running, I tried to get back into the swing of things after my cold, but now my right knee hurts, wich i kind of expected, so I am being ginger with that.
Jeese....ever feel like you can't get anything done???
Well at least I still have a job and now my babies are officialy flea free!!!
Well off to go poke around in other peoples blogs and catch up!
C-ya soon!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Arts and Crafts
So thanks to Freelancers post on prettying up t-shirts. I was inspired to make this out of an old shirt that had a patternthat I loved, but a shape that didn't really suit me.

I REALLY dig it now!! boobs look rediculously large in this pic.....
Friday, October 3, 2008
Fashion Orgasm
Dress by georges chakra. Blue cobalt feathers. Its fun and I want it! Sorry the pic is so bad Ihad to take it with my phone because an actual picture of the dress is not available anywhere on the internet.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ode to cafe voltaire

Oh CafĂ© Voltaire, how I do love you so, your slight caffeine kick hidden under a blanket of warm hot chocolatletyness with your insufficient false marshmallows. You manage to get me through the 3:00 o’clock slump. As though your delicious treatyness will make al my customers behave better, no….no it is not weird fate, But that I am riding on such a freaking caffeine high right now, that no ones problems seem to matter to me. Like Novocain for the mind, you get me through painful situations………Thank you I am indebted…..
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