Sorry for the lack of posts but in short...well, I have a toddler, that should be enough said,ha! This kid is into EVERYTHING!! ALL THE TIME!!! I think Heather over at DOOCE said it best about having a toddler"but once you take that moment to sigh she's in the pantry sticking her head in the dog's water bowl. And then while you're cleaning up the water that has spilled into a giant three-foot-wide puddle, she's run into the living room, climbed on top of the sofa and is waiting for you to see her before she tries to back flip onto the coffee table. Oh, and she has your cell phone clutched between her teeth."

Uh huh, that pretty much covers it!
It is also Halloween here and it has become one of my favorite times of the year! Didn't used to be, as a child i wasn't that crazy about Halloween,probably because I was so shy i actually hated going up to a strangers door and asking for candy. But now that I am older, I LOVE it! Maybe its my affinity for slime green black and skulls, who knows, but I dig it, and having a toddler makes it THAT much more fun :)
One mistake we did make this year (my fault) was carving the pumpkins WAY to early in October, so now for tonight, Halloween,we have no pumpkins to light because after three weeks of sitting on the front porch in unstable weather (70 degrees, then 30 then 60 then 70 then 40!) our pumpkins basically turned to mush last week....Oh well.
But look we did decorate!:
We also took Hudson trick or treating a few weekends ago in our town of Berea,witch is real good about having a day time trick or treat for the little ones.
Since I wasn't sure how he would react to the whole thing,I bought a zip up sweatshirt and sewed ears and a tail onto it, plus some red felt for a collar and attached some of Starskys dog tags,he was a puppy! And then I smeared some black eyeliner on his little nose.....and i am an IDIOT because I used waterproof yeah ever try to get THAT off of a toddler who hates having his face washed in the first place, its like wrestling an alligator.
Hudsons first time meeting a "FAMOUS PERSON" He just LOVES elmo!
We have also had tons of other things
going one, seems as though every weekend it's something ! Lots of parties and get togethors, but I love it an
d it gives Hudson a chance to socialize,which he is very good at doing :)
Chasing down a girl who gave him a kiss at his GIRLFRIENDS birthday party!
We are really going to have to lock this kid up lol
As far as my mother has been concerned, things are really good, the doctor said she only needs 30 minutes of Che
mo once a week for 6 month
s, it wont be enough to make her nauseous or lose her hair! We are so very blessed by all of this, and to have he
r still here with us. Having her pull thro
ugh this has really revamped my faith in the big man upstairs, for sure.
Well off to make breakfast for the hubs!
Hope you Halloween is
Evil cupcakes that i made for work!