I will not be updating much, my family facing a potentially serious,health issue with my mother, more serious than we could have imagined. PLease keep us in your thoughts during this rough time, I willpick up where I left off at some point... until then I have too much going on.
Love Heather
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Speedbumps in life
I had a few other things that I wanted to write about, unfortunately life is sometimes more than fashion and happiness.
I got a call last night that my mom has contracted Hepatitis, they are not sure if it is a b or c, but we will know by Monday. This worries me greatly, my mothers immune system is compromised enough as it is, I am just hoping this doesn't push it all over the edge.
They aren't sure how she contracted it, they are quite stumped by it (they being doctors) but she is yellow from head to toe, nauseous, tired, weak, and if she starts throwing up, she needs to go to the emergency room.

Grandma and My Mother, at Clementines Tea House on Mothers Day 2009.
A little background on my mom. In the past four years she has had ( in order)
-a major car accident
-Nerve damage
-Breast Cancer
-Severe breathing problems
-A slipped disk
-and now Hepatitis
Do you see why I am worried?
The doctor said while not airborne contagious, he would rather she stay away from the baby, meaning she cannot come to Hudsons one year bash this weekend. This makes me very very sad, my dad will however be there, and I love my dad, but my mom not being there really sucks.
When she told me, I was in the garage wrapping Hudsons gifts, When I got off the phone with her, I lost it, and just sat on the floor and cried.
I was up until 1am drinking wine and talking to my husband about it,then dragged my ass into work this morning.My poor mother has been through an immense amount of suffering and it's not fair, not much in life is, but this time, the god REALLY pissed me off.
Not to mention she has been trying to help out my grand mother who had a stroke three weeks ago. Now she is so tired she can't even do that. I feel like two of the closest people in my life are slipping away little by little.
Luckily I have the greatest support network of friends in the world, my Friend Michele who also has a parent who is very ill, has offered to put my mother on her prayer necklace, which I appreciate whole heartily. I love my friends and I do not know where I would be without them.
I read a quote today here it is:

I will pull myself together for Hudsons party tomorrow, and I plan to have a good time. But int he back of my mind,worry will prevail.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, a walk in the park

Hudson and I got up really early saturday and went for a walk on the new path they built in my city, and bot is it beautiful!! It's called the Lake to Lake Trails, and covers 2.4 miles of lush green marsh land and wildlife habitat.
I enjoyed the fresh air, Hudson enjoyed all the sites and sounds, we came upon one of many bridges on the trail, a beautiful long bridge that has an observation deck and overlooks the Marsh, it's dead quiet except for the sounds of Bullfrogs barking and birds chirping.
I lifted Hudson on top of the railing and let him look over, he spotted the turtle in the water and pointed at it, so I told him about the turtles and “do you hear the froggies?” I think it’s SO important to expose kids to nature and other things in this world besides Television, IPods and computers. I hope it instills in him a love of being outside, he already cries when we have to go in the house
I even let him walk for like 20 minutes along the bridge, by him self. He thinks he is such a big man
We also saw a baby deer about 20 feet in front of us, Hudson was in awe and just stared and smiled, I tried to take a pic with my phone. Can you see the deer?
After that we went home and took a serious nap.
Saturday evening was spent preparing our house for Hudson’s Bday next Saturday! We expect around 50 people!!! YIKES! Lil man is going to be SUPER sleepy. I swear I weeded for like an hour on my hands and knees, only to look up and see little to no change in the amount of weeds. UGH….I hate weeding.
Sunday Hudson and I went for another walk with the lovely Julia, it was nice to have girl time and chit chat. I really don’t see her enough
After going to café Ahroma for some tasty lunch, the lil man and I went home so he could nap, and I could get some cleaning done. I really spent the ENTIRE weekend with the little man and was so happy to have all that free time with him. He is just my little joy
I enjoyed the fresh air, Hudson enjoyed all the sites and sounds, we came upon one of many bridges on the trail, a beautiful long bridge that has an observation deck and overlooks the Marsh, it's dead quiet except for the sounds of Bullfrogs barking and birds chirping.
I lifted Hudson on top of the railing and let him look over, he spotted the turtle in the water and pointed at it, so I told him about the turtles and “do you hear the froggies?” I think it’s SO important to expose kids to nature and other things in this world besides Television, IPods and computers. I hope it instills in him a love of being outside, he already cries when we have to go in the house
I even let him walk for like 20 minutes along the bridge, by him self. He thinks he is such a big man
We also saw a baby deer about 20 feet in front of us, Hudson was in awe and just stared and smiled, I tried to take a pic with my phone. Can you see the deer?
After that we went home and took a serious nap.
Saturday evening was spent preparing our house for Hudson’s Bday next Saturday! We expect around 50 people!!! YIKES! Lil man is going to be SUPER sleepy. I swear I weeded for like an hour on my hands and knees, only to look up and see little to no change in the amount of weeds. UGH….I hate weeding.
Sunday Hudson and I went for another walk with the lovely Julia, it was nice to have girl time and chit chat. I really don’t see her enough
After going to café Ahroma for some tasty lunch, the lil man and I went home so he could nap, and I could get some cleaning done. I really spent the ENTIRE weekend with the little man and was so happy to have all that free time with him. He is just my little joy
Thursday, July 8, 2010
BABY giggles
My son is such a wonderful little guy, he really has been making us laugh a lot lately,
Here are a few things that he has been doing, that really perk me up.
Here are a few things that he has been doing, that really perk me up.
When I say ADDRESES I mean like a president would talk to his country, he puts both hands up in the air and has a concerned look on his face, looks down at his food or sometimes holds a cheerio up in the air and waves it back and forth going “raaa bra bra blah bababa bha ra!” Then puts the cheerio down and mutters something to himself under his breath LOL.
This morning he pointed directly at his waffle with his index finger and furrowed his brows in an angry expression and goes “”bar a ra ra raba BAH BAH!!” I about peed my pants! Bill said he wouldn’t finish his waffles after I left for work, so what ever the waffles “Said” to him, it must have REALLY been offensive lol.
We have a big red fuzzy soccer ball that we roll back and forth to him, he sits on one end of the living room, and I sit on the other and roll it to him, when I DO roll it at him, he kicks his leg s and gets this CRAZY look in his eyes while going “AAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!” then promptly grabs it and forcefully pushes it back to me lol, I can really see him becoming a soccer (futbol) player, the determination in his little face is SO funny.
The kid is CRAZY over wind chimes, and we have four of them, (well three since he disassembled the one) if we are inside (were we have been since it’s been scorching hot lately) he will point to the front door, he knows there are fun things out on the front porch like two flags and three chimes, and he wants to fondle ALL of them. So at least once a day, I take him outside and hold him up to the chimes so that he can smack them around, he looks up, puts his head back and holds his mouth open in a “ahhhhhh” position while smiling and smacking away at them, It gives me a good view of his teethers, (which by the way are SIX NOW!!!) He can literally play with them for HOURS.
He just brings me so much joy, which is much needed when I have had a bad day at work (which lately has been constant) and have been stressed running around getting this and that and the other taken care of. He is truly my little blessing
Is there something funny that a baby or little kid YOU know does to make you laugh?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Hotter than Hati
The northeast has been experiencing a severe heat wave for like four days now, it seems to get hotter every day, today it reached 97 degrees, UGH and of course I let the hubby borrow my air conditioned car so that the lil man could ride in comfort to grandma and grandpas (ahh what we do for our children :) )
Anyways... I took these summery photos at my house today at lunch.
Monday, July 5, 2010
A whirlwind weekend
This weekend was July 4th weekend, it was also the weekend we got Hudsons 1 year old photos done (even though he wont be one until the 17th)We really had alot of great family time together. I wont bore you with details but here are the pics!

Little man outside sitting outside under the shade tree.
He saw this little girl at this party that we went to and was in LOVE.
He ran over to her and hugged her, then she asked if he could sit on the swing with her lol
SO cute!!!
We also took a trip to the lake,walked on the pier and played in the sand.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Bag Lady
They say what’s in a woman’s purse tells a lot about who she is, here is what is in mine!
*5 Fruit Gum, I ALWAYS have to have gum on me to keep me from eating junk food at my weak points.
*My work pass( cant get through the gate without it!)
* a sharpie pen, a gals ALWAYS gotta have one, to “mark” her territory. Or to mark goodies in the office fridge with death threats if any one TRY to steal it.
*Rattail comb (for all those big hairdos) Pony tail holders (for when I need to get my hair out of my face) and a compact a dear friend brought to me from Kuwait.
*Vitamin D Pills (I am really really low on D) South Beach diet bar in Cinnamon Crunch, (for when I am stranded running errands with the little one) Propel fitness water ( I hate plain water, so to keep myself hydrated I have to “trick” my tastebuds into thinking it’s something tasty)
* Faux turquoise snakeskin pocket book (mainly holds charge cards or discount cards I rarely use,stamps,biz cards ect.
*I am a FREAK about lipstuff lol can you TELL? Here my two fave sephora lip glosses in Bronzed Beauty and Rosy Glow, Revlon super lustrous Lipstick in fuschia fusion.Cover Girl Lipslicks in Flirtatious,Maybeliine Color sensational in Mauvelous, I also have a tube of Aquaphor wich is a heavy petrolatum good for everything from chapped lips, to diaper rash, I ALWAYS have a tube with me! And also Aveda Blue Oil, a relaxing mint oil designed to be used on your pressure point, (I need this at work a lot)and AVON Bubble Gum Lipgloss
*1mb stick storage drive (ESSENTIAL for carrying around my resume and pics of the lil one )
*Coupon Folio (because when your broke like me you use coupons and OFTEN!)
* my Ipod ( CANNOT leave home without it, I have over 250 songs I like to rock out too!)
*Red Patent Wallet ( to hold Cards that I DO use frequently)
*(not pictured because I took pics with it) My ANDROID My TOUCH 3G, screw the Iphone, I LOVE this thing, it organizes my life and it is ALWAYS with me.

*5 Fruit Gum, I ALWAYS have to have gum on me to keep me from eating junk food at my weak points.
*My work pass( cant get through the gate without it!)
* a sharpie pen, a gals ALWAYS gotta have one, to “mark” her territory. Or to mark goodies in the office fridge with death threats if any one TRY to steal it.
*Rattail comb (for all those big hairdos) Pony tail holders (for when I need to get my hair out of my face) and a compact a dear friend brought to me from Kuwait.
*Vitamin D Pills (I am really really low on D) South Beach diet bar in Cinnamon Crunch, (for when I am stranded running errands with the little one) Propel fitness water ( I hate plain water, so to keep myself hydrated I have to “trick” my tastebuds into thinking it’s something tasty)
* Faux turquoise snakeskin pocket book (mainly holds charge cards or discount cards I rarely use,stamps,biz cards ect.
*I am a FREAK about lipstuff lol can you TELL? Here my two fave sephora lip glosses in Bronzed Beauty and Rosy Glow, Revlon super lustrous Lipstick in fuschia fusion.Cover Girl Lipslicks in Flirtatious,Maybeliine Color sensational in Mauvelous, I also have a tube of Aquaphor wich is a heavy petrolatum good for everything from chapped lips, to diaper rash, I ALWAYS have a tube with me! And also Aveda Blue Oil, a relaxing mint oil designed to be used on your pressure point, (I need this at work a lot)and AVON Bubble Gum Lipgloss
*1mb stick storage drive (ESSENTIAL for carrying around my resume and pics of the lil one )
*Coupon Folio (because when your broke like me you use coupons and OFTEN!)
* my Ipod ( CANNOT leave home without it, I have over 250 songs I like to rock out too!)
*Red Patent Wallet ( to hold Cards that I DO use frequently)
*(not pictured because I took pics with it) My ANDROID My TOUCH 3G, screw the Iphone, I LOVE this thing, it organizes my life and it is ALWAYS with me.

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